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FrozenGate by Avery

Permanent eye damage done.

It is normal. Sometimes its stuff on your lens and sometimes its actually debris inside your eye. Either way unless you have serious issues with it blocking vision I don't know of it ever being a problem. I have had them all my life in varying amounts as well. I see them when I partially close my eyes in a bright environment as well. I just did it and saw a nice collection of them XD

I've had them for as long as I can remember. Think of them as your own personal screen saver :tinfoil:
That has nothing to do with dirt on the eyes.

If this floaters are disturbing you visit an ophtalmologist and he'll suck them out of your eye.

But I don't think he's talking about floaters, it's a black circle, you should visit a doctor, there are various diseases that can cause this kind of symptom, from parasitic infection to cancer.

edit: its called flying flies (muscae volitantes)
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If you are talking about the OP then I am pretty sure Infinitus was just joking about the floater thing being his issue. I say this because he stated that the spots have been there for extended periods of time.

BTW, based on the amount of little floaters I can see if I try, I fear I would have no eye left if I wanted them... sucked out... that sounds disturbing anyway XD. I don't even know how that is possible to be gin with.
In retina surgeries we must remove all the liquid inside your eye, your visions gets blured for a few days and it regenerates.

Don't worry, if it disturbs you go see a doc. ;)
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If they are just removing fluid, I'm guessing that it's not a permanent fix. I wouldn't do it. I'm guessing they will just come back in time.
The OP should see an ophthalmologist regardless because dark spots in your vision that do not move or go away are not normal and do not sound like common floaters to me.

Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately your first post is a re-post. If you had read through the entire thread, you would have seen I posted that video 2 days ago.

Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately your first post is a re-post. If you had read through the entire thread, you would have seen I posted that video 2 days ago.

Good for you... you were the 1st to post it...:gj:

Perhaps cutting the new guy with his very first post
on the Forum some slack would be more helpful...:cool:


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You can get pretty paranoid about those things though. I suppose i always had some of these floaters, but never took notice of them before i began experimenting with powerful lasers.

The downside of working with things that can damage vision is that you will look much closer to the details of vision, even those that have very little practical consequence.

The funniest thing i discoverd is that my eyes actually have slightly different color balance. When looking at an image with both eyes it is not noticable at all, but when i alternate closing my eyes, my right eye produces a slightly warmer image.
The funniest thing i discoverd is that my eyes actually have slightly different color balance. When looking at an image with both eyes it is not noticable at all, but when i alternate closing my eyes, my right eye produces a slightly warmer image.

Minor variations are not at all uncommon. Even not so minor ones.

I have different prescriptions in both my eyes for example, and a different astigmatism in each.

I haven't noticed any color variation though... going to be on the lookout for that now.
I have taken notice of color variation between my eyes since I was very young. My right eye is noticeably colder than my left. My left also has a slight green tint.
I have color minor color perception variation with my eyes. This has nothing to do with lasers. When I was a kid, we (me and my friends)used to play all sorts of games. There was this game involving flipflops and I accidentally got hit in my left eye. My mom took me to an eye specialist and it was found out that the pupil on my left eye has a minor damage. It looks like the pupil was a bit torn and it "smudged" on the iris. It's not that big and around a quarter the size of a pinhead.

My left eye perceives the world to be a little bit orange-red although not very noticable. It is more evident if I look at a white or light colored surface.
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