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FrozenGate by Avery

pen hacking = madness fun!

Yeah he's on the forum occasionally :)

Plenty of members have built lasers with that diode - it's the brightest diode avaliably by a country mile.
Don't believe everything in a video. etc
Duty/Rest?? 5 sec duty (on) --who knows how long rest (off).
BTW no cheap pen pointer is ever =/<5 mW let alone ~ 1mW..
A 'calibration' (532) penpointer EXACTLY 4.99mW will cost you $140.

@ nate
looking fwd to reading your 'intro' in the welcome-newcomers section.

You may not be a 'Laser newcomer' but you are new here ..so..

Be sure to add your location (& anything else you care to share)) into your personal profile and put it in yr 'intro' title-see the ones made by MANY MANY others.. We like to get to know newcomers and that is a good way. 'Hello--new member from where=ever ' that is the first step to meeting lots of members-- myb you can meter their lasers!!

hak (snap)
'If you play with a cat with such a laser, it will go crazy) '

not too much.
They become more obsessed (crazy) than cats ,,,BUT both are a lazy way to exercise your pets.
AND can be very bad aside from any eye injury.
Think about it... your pet keeps trying to catch the dot--but that never happens. Has to be a bad thing at some point.. Famed expert Caesar Milan is firm on this-- lasers and pets is a terrible combo -bordering on pet abuse.
AND you get very little exercise yourself!!
Chasing a ball (NOT tennis BTW) and finding/catching is wonderful for your dog. And with little training the ball will be at your feet or in your hand-- and your dog is ready to do it over and over with hardly any obsession.

Chasing something that is impossible to catch is IMHO very cruel..
I have had friends who were/are greyhound trainers and those dogs are highly obsessed .. otherwise they are the best cared-for dogs anywhere . AND although they never catch the white rabbit when at 'work' ... they do get great exercise where the do get to catch . (but not a live rabbit).

However greyhounds eventually lose the obsession once becoming pets.. they are great dogs and if more would get adopted --thousands would NOT be put down.. A common description of pet greyhound is 'couch potatoes'
Yeah it is SOP to put a greyhound to sleep for being too slow.
They live 90% of the time in small stacked kennels.
My opinion is based upon have my many friends who own pet greyhounds and dog trainers I have known personally.
Lots to read on this IF you do a search..

Hope this helps (Mainly the dogs.. the owners.. not so much.)

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Iv'e seen cats play with the pointers "I always use the cheap button cells by the way" and give up after a while and chill realizing they will never catch the spot. Mine on the other hand absolutely goes insane and would run herself to exhaustion.
Any click sound she heard from anything that might have the same sound as the laser switch would get her into a crying and searching stance. I had gotten tired of the routine of crying for the laser and ended up placing and taping a 5mw Axis red module on top of a osolating fan just to let her have as long as she wanted but learned quickly that is was a big mistake.
After finding they she couldn't catch the spot she would try to get to the module source itself on top of the fan. It wasn't a cat's curiousity going at the module but a obsession to catch it..
Now every reflection from a cell phone has her chasing the walls and if I go to the draw to which I use to keep the laser the crying starts all over, iv'e haven't used it for at least a year and still she hasn't forgotten.
Working on my laser's I have to lock her in a other room or bring her to play with her other rescued sister next door "which luckly her sister could care less and just smells the spot and walks away..
Len, it could be a good thing for excersise for cat but you have to know when to stop.
Hi Norma
Cats, Dogs and any animal do no go well with lasers in my opinion. I would never subject any animal to a laser beam.

Hi Norma
Cats, Dogs and any animal do no go well with lasers in my opinion. I would never subject any animal to a laser beam.

It's insane the amount of people who still use the ""5mw"" rated green,red and blue ebay cheapies for their pets:(
and these scam China company's still can describe them as pet toys:mad: then again they don't value pets as we do..
'If you play with a cat with such a laser, it will go crazy) '

not too much.
They become more obsessed (crazy) than cats ,,,BUT both are a lazy way to exercise your pets.
AND can be very bad aside from any eye injury.
Think about it... your pet keeps trying to catch the dot--but that never happens. Has to be a bad thing at some point.. Famed expert Caesar Milan is firm on this-- lasers and pets is a terrible combo -bordering on pet abuse.
AND you get very little exercise yourself!!
Chasing a ball (NOT tennis BTW) and finding/catching is wonderful for your dog. And with little training the ball will be at your feet or in your hand-- and your dog is ready to do it over and over with hardly any obsession.

Chasing something that is impossible to catch is IMHO very cruel..
I have had friends who were/are greyhound trainers and those dogs are highly obsessed .. otherwise they are the best cared-for dogs anywhere . AND although they never catch the white rabbit when at 'work' ... they do get great exercise where the do get to catch . (but not a live rabbit).

However greyhounds eventually lose the obsession once becoming pets.. they are great dogs and if more would get adopted --thousands would NOT be put down.. A common description of pet greyhound is 'couch potatoes'
Yeah it is SOP to put a greyhound to sleep for being too slow.
They live 90% of the time in small stacked kennels.
My opinion is based upon have my many friends who own pet greyhounds and dog trainers I have known personally.
Lots to read on this IF you do a search..

Hope this helps (Mainly the dogs.. the owners.. not so much.)


I agree with a lot of this. Lasers to play with dogs can make them neurotic, but I will also say my old dog (RIP Moxie) did develop his own neuroticism with toys and balls. When he played fetch and you took the ball from him, his jaw would twitch like mad! Some dogs will just be neurotic, but it might be possible that even stopping the laser play will just transfer neuroticism to some other object or activity.
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I have seen that in my friends dashound.. He got a green pen from me and right away he was using it on one of his 4 dogs--the alpha female.
Mother of most.. in a way she 'took a bullet' for them.
He continued to amuse himself with her and the green.
Then she was chasing anything shiny--reflection off my 'readers' to the floor.. For quite a time he did not show here the green-- a few years.
She still was looking for the dot and I felt terrible for her -I sold him the laser-- I warned him (& she was already messed up--SPOILED-
Would cry when they took showers if she was not allowed in the bathroom.
He came out to his car several times to see the police and a crowd who heard her cry-- LOUD- and sounding like she was being tortured.
He had the windows as open as possible. Too much & she would jump or fall out the van window..
WE had an intervention trying to help.. My friend was very stubborn--would argue for no reason. VERY sure his stress-filled life played a part in his recent death by stroke.

Giving advice needs to be done very carefully when it comes to a family member (even 4 legged)...
And I have noticed about a 50-50 split when it comes to The Dog Whisperer. Caesar Milan... he does not mince words-- calls them like he sees them regardless of the owners objection. He does not train dogs nor rehab owners. Its tough love a lot of times.
so if you see some of yourself and dog on TV...
AND I saw that a LOT.. try to take the help from Caesar in the way it was meant. Not personal and do not be shocked if he appears to be 180 from your way of thinking. The dogs deserve that much IMHO.
I made tapes of many episodes and would label them also with the dog/owners I was helping (or trying to help). Diff owners and dogs BUT same problem. (& solution)

One that stood out was a lady owner who got her dog hooked on ROCKs. (not intentionally)
She used to throw them like balls.. once obsessed-- any and every rock the dog could find and ... well you know... by the time she got help from TDW the dogs teeth were down to 'nubs'. He was able to help her & dog.
sry for the rant-- in a few 'cases' I care more for my friend's pets than them.

To learn more search.. lots to read about OCD in pets.

Getting ready to log off but agreed! OCD is real deal in pets and watch mine and my friends sister cat go through a whole I swear 10 step routine first thing in the morning and then some..
No idea who which approached and bonded with the first 'dog'.
Either way we kinda owe the descendants-- all the same species.
WOW!-- still trying to wrap my head around that fact.
.. Eons later.. our understanding of them has greatly improved--FINALLY!
A LOT less 'strays' would have to be put down IF
more people REALLY adopted from a shelter and everybody SNAP!! Spay Neuter All Pets.
'Rescue Dog' has. IMO, more than one meaning.. Still a good thing but true 'rescue' dog owners prolly, while are OK w/ that know which is easier. N/P the worst cases
are very tough..

.... It takes a special person to adopt a dog or cat..
(the hard way) I am iffy about calling someone who adopted from their PC ..a dog rescuer'

