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Path to orange - Advice?


Active member
Aug 1, 2023
Hi there,

As part of our ceaseless hunger for new wavelengths our next target is orange (600nm-625nm roughly.)
The goal is to have it small enough that it would fit in a Valkyrie host, and able to operate at a normal temperature.

Any ideas for how that would be achieved - leads on diodes or compact DPSS modules? It is certainly a tough task but we will do whatever is necessary to make this happen!
Price is not too big of a concern - we will probably be making a quite small batch of these.

There is a Pr doped material pumpe by 445nm. It’s not easy to find and it’s mildly expensive. After that it’s just some optics. It could be done but alignment in such a small cavity could be challenging. I’d love to have 607nm.
Do you know of any source to obtain it? If we can get some it would be a great start.

Random google. Price is not too horrible.
Any special optics required (weird coatings/etc) or does it just work with the raw crystal and a correctly aligned laser?
Not sure. Been a while. I went to do this and didn’t because I got busy. I’ll re read the paper.
DPSS 607nm would be tremendous, if you managed a small production run I would be in for one
Seen my thread? I already build a 607nm Pr:YLF based laser.

The thing is: It wont be possible without background knowledge, its not like you are going to buy a crystal from optogama and use a 445nm laser diode on it. You need suitable HRs and OCs.

You need knowledge on Cavity stability, Cavity design, beam froming, coating design and calculate all parameters to get good results.

Its possible to learn that for sure but it will certainly take a while.

The main different between a 532nm/473/593nm dpss and a 607nm on is the material: YLF vs YAG.
YLF develops a negative thermal lens compared to the positive one. So a standart plan parallel monolitic cavity wont work.

Next problem: the 607nm line is more sensitive to losses. 640nm or 522 is much easier to get. (but obviusly not worth it)
(its even worse for 604nm but yeah not chasing that at the moment)

I already did some experiemnts. Atomd also did some experiments.
And it should in theory be possible to get away with a relativly simple cavity design. Like a hemispherical with the plano HR mirror coated onto the crystal, this will limit cavity mode size which might result in bad beam quality for the output beam. (if you arent going for the trouble of shaping the pump beam - the setup might be too big)

Ideally you would pump with a SM laser diode to avoid that. Pumping with only 100mW needs a good design to get even a hint of 607nm.
Theoretical efficiency limit is already just 70%. Subtract: threshold - cavity losses - overlap efficiency. A good design should make 10-30mW 607nm possible out of a 80mW 445nm diode.

As far as i know CNI said a few years back: not possible.
Which is true for a "simple" construction like the 532nm lasers use (no seperate OC/HR - monolitic cavity).
I would expect at least a seperate OC and some rudimenary pump optics.
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I actually have a monolithic design that may work but requires so much customization that optogama already said 1k pcs minimum.

When you start putting it into "proper" construction as @fabre2 said it'll get quickly expensive. At minimum, you need crystal, OC and best form lens to reimage pump. None of that is off the shelf, so you'll have to pay quite a bit for optics customization (few k$ minimum) and pay someone to design it for you or spend a few months learning. Aditionally you need to find a factory that's going to assemble and align custom optics.

On the other hand you can skip most of that if you go for fiber laser but it'll be even more expensive.

We can buy them.

In pulsed mode operation at 40 kHz an average power level of 1mW was achieved.

Yeah, they aren't selling anything, it's not good enough.
Step in the right direction though.
You might wanna hit up this guy:
He managed to build a working 300mW 607nm Pr:Ylf laser
I request that you give super continuum a shot, probably wont be in the valkyrie cause of the fiber. Les' lab on youtube showed that he did it for about 100$, could you shrink the process to portable? Is it even possible with a small diode, not sure. who may not see the video, He used an old gas laser with light blocking glass peices fed into a regular fiber optic cable he read of a 1970s paper which created super continuum white, then in a prism, rainbow laser. Something about the fiber made it able to create that light itself

I was playing around in my imagination and thought there must be some wild strange colors you could make up by putting together doubling crystals and other optics dpss's use. No revolutionary new color, just fill in as many gaps as you can. That sounds fun to make
