Hmm, so I hooked this diode up to my prototyping lm317 (with a 200 ohm pot).
At first I had a ~5 Ohm resistor in series with the pot, so the current would
max out at around 250ma, with the pot turned all the way "up".
It did produce a nice dot and burned the proverbial black trash bag.
Then I thought, "Hmm, these are supposed to handle 420ma, so let me change
the 5 Ohm resistor to a 3 Ohm one."
Dumb idea.
The diode went dim immediately, like it was with the 5 Ohm resistor and the pot
turned way down. It still varies in output when I turn the pot, but now it's about as
strong as a 2$ 5mw red pen running on exhausted batteries.
Is this what you people call a "LEDed" diode?
I then proceded to measure the current produced by my driver using a selfmade dummy load
I used two methods, measuring voltage over a 1 ohm resistor and also using the DMM directly in series @ 10A setting.
Both methods gave the same result = ~420ma.
So what gives? Was this a SOC after all?
Did the diode/resonator bar get pre-damaged by my fingers as I manhandled the poor thing
when I soldered on the leads?
Oh well, it's all training to avoid killing the nichia diode.