i had to remove yabb b/c it was causing stability issues leaving it running.
It was not writing. Or updating. All of the current activity was now on the new forum. The only thing it was doing was the occasional request from a search engine or link that would have otherwise been lost. If YaBB was able to run full-bore on shared hosting without crashing every 3 seconds, then how in the world could such light usage, running on a dedicated server, be such a problem?
And what problem could be so severe, that it justifies destroying something that takes years to build-up?
Like I said,
watching someone use bundles of $100 bills as fuel for a campfire!
i purchased a mod called vbseo to help with SEO stuff
Ah, the
magic software package that is going to solve
all your SEO problems. I just corrected SkyLasers on that same misconception. But you can see how well that approach is working out for him -
he's currently got a PageRank of 1!
And like I also already told him, a few days ago (on a
REAL SEO forum), I just advised someone who had WordPress on his home page with the "All In One SEO Pack" installed (the equivalent thing for WP as what you are talking about here), to move his blog
OFF his homepage, and
INTO a subdirectory, because the SEO limitations to his homepage by WP (even
WITH the SEO add-in)
were what was hurting his rankings!
...and worked with 2 separate consultants to configure it optimally.
And yet your PageRank dropped from a 4, all the way down to a 1, and then eaked up to a weak 2 - I can see how well that strategy is working out for you!
Did they tell you
just how significant a drop that really is? The 0-10 Toolbar Display is an approximation of your
actual PageRank, and goes up
exponentially for each value. Last we tested it (several years ago), the exponential factor was about 7 (it's likely gone up since then, as Google has to adjust it as the Internet gets larger). We know you originally had a
strong 4, and that you currently have a
weak 2. But let's make this as rosy as possible, shall we? We'll narrow the drop, and say you went from an average 4 to an average 2. And we'll assume the Internet hasn't grown at all and the exponential value hasn't increased from 7 (also unlikely).
So given our best-case scenario, here is the change in your ACTUAL PageRank value (the # used internally by Google)
= 1 / (7^2)
That's right, the best-case is that your actual PageRank for LPF is now 2% of what it was before!
Given your lackadaisical attitude (and assuming your not high), I guess
nobody bothered to inform you about that?
Boy, those guys did a bang-up job for ya there!
And if you want to see what happened to all of your PageRank, try doing the following search in Google -
Which comes up with this -
That's right,
53! And
only 38 of them get past Google's similar page filter! -
And you'll also notice
most of those are just internal links from your own site! The ones from external sites?
Just 7!
the reason i moved from laser_pointer_forums_3/forum was the URL was too long and several people said it would hurt search rankings for certain pages.
Actually, that's part of what I meant digging yourself in deeper by following advice from strangers on other forums - I came across that while I was trying to see
what the hell had happened to your site in Google. -
It appears only
1 person actually claimed that, the others
just though the URL would look prettier/nicer that way!
Of course, I guess you didn't consider that like many of the people giving SEO advice on forums,
this guy might have been giving you shitty advice?
Being familiar with a lot of the top SEO guys out there (my competitors, after all), I didn't recognize this guy's name, so I decided to see who he was.
he's not a full-time SEO at all - he's just an independent web designer, that fiddles with SEO on the side! Who's company web site is a WordPress Blog!
In fact, on his About Us page, where he described all his areas of expertise,
he doesn't even list SEO as one of his skills!
c0ld, your own experience should have told you that
SOMETHING was wrong - the original LPF forum was in a subdirectory also -
what PageRank problems did you have with that???
In fact, out of that conversation,
it turns out that YOU were actually the one closest to the truth(!), when you said -
my site already has quite a few links in google so i don't think its worth changing, is it?
Now, I contend following his advice actually
screwed-up your LPF listings in Google - while he claimed the opposite.
But I have an open mind, so let's see for ourselves, shall we?
Let's try some Google searches that pull-up LPF pages and see! -
Heruursciences diode -
which goes to -
Broken link, forwards to h/p!
airy disc example -
Again, broken link!
o-like dilda -
Broken link!
dragon diffraction gratings -
Broken link!
fda laser LOC -
Broken link!
perhaps better luck with a review?
RomiRed laser -
Broken link!
parts, maybe?
PBS cubes -
Broken link!
perhaps a video?
viper 125mw video -
Broken link!
a member, perhaps?
jayrob member -
Broken link!
news about new server?
lpf new server -
Broken Link!
All of these are results from Google tonight. I could go on forever - you really got your Google listings
royally screwed-over by following this guy's advice!
In fact, it turns-out that by following this advice, you made the
EXACT SAME MISTAKE I warned you about before - making major changes to the structure of a large site, before allowing Google to catch-up on the new URLs! The only difference is you did it to the
new forum this time, instead of the
old one!
Even worse, your older URL format with the descriptive forum names (like green-lasers, instead of f##) was actually
you took a step backwards!
And then your terse, dismissive comment above is
EXACTLY the same way that you initially responded to my prior warning - before you came to your senses in reply to my starting this thread, and apologized for doing so...
(thread missing? - but as quoted in Post #30 above)
After what I was put through last time, I would have expected you to treat me a bit better now.
Damn it, c0ld,
I had to expend an extraordinary amount of time & effort trying to get your attention last time to keep you from driving LPF off a cliff (to the point that it
adversely affected my health!) Doing this once was
bad enough, but don't make me go through the same thing twice -
I can't do it!