HaHa, no one seemed to catch what I asked at the endI'm just learning about these shows (actually I've been watching that channel for a year), and they are way better than what's on today, though the effects and scenery is sometimes just silly. I can't stand Batman, every part of it.
Back to the original question, I think the smaller people can see smaller details more easily because they are both closer to objects, and are able to focus closer. But, the giants have bigger eyes which should gather more light and have better resolution because of a larger retina surface area, but then again if their optics are scaled up perfectly including the retina, then maybe the extra light wouldn't make much difference in brightness or resolution. Cameras with bigger pixel sizes have better low light sensitivity, so maybe giants could too? And image processing speed would likely be much slower for a giant because of the greater distance between the eyes and nerves and all that.

Lost In Space is notorious for cheasy props and plots now but when you were a kid back then in the 60's and 70's it was so cool to see gadgets like that. We had dial house phones only

A few episode's of Voyage to the Bottom of the sea I have to admit are boring to me now.
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