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FrozenGate by Avery

O-like 400mW Crown Review & Pics

I was testing some goggles and seeing about 25mW which we THINK is probably IR. I haven't checked to be sure, but I strongly suspect that is the case.


Just got one of these second hand today.

I must say I'm impressed. The design is a HUGE improvement over the older model, and it's handling heat phenomenally well.

It does require good batteries though.

@Fiddy, did you test with the stock battery? If you did try an IMR AW... the change is significant.

Also... can you please link me to the o-rings you use? They look grea:)
It does require good batteries though.

@Fiddy, did you test with the stock battery? If you did try an IMR AW... the change is significant.

Just curious, how much difference did you notice by upgrading to the higher quality battery? I'd love to carry better batteries in the store, but all the wholesale battery stores I've priced are very expensive, they want you to buy 1000 batteries to get $2 off a $12 battery :cryyy:
After charging the supplied Ultrafire, I did two tests. On the first the higher peak was 455mW, on the second, after ~5 minutes of use max, the peak was 353mW.

When I first LPMed the laser, just the way the battery came (not fully charged) the peak was 342mW and dropping off fast.

Testing with a total of 3 AW batteries, two IMR one protected, I got peaks of at least 450mW every time, even after some use. The peaks in general were also higher, in the 500mW range, the highest one was 553mW.

So for lasers <200mW the cheaper batteries are fine. For the more powerful lasers, better batteries are absolutely a must though, at least to me.
It certainly sounds significant. I use the red 3000mah cheapo 18650 batteries in high power builds and they seem to hold up. I'm not sure what the current draw is on those o-like 400mw greenies though. I know they use a 2 watt IR pump diode. I'm gonna have to try some high end batteries on some of my stronger builds to see the difference in them :D
Who has decent prices on the good stuff?
Not sure if their prices count as decent, but I usually end up ordering from lighthound, use code cpf for a small discount.
Thanks! I knew someone had the scoop! I've seen Lighthound before, and heard good stuff about them. They're about the same price-wise as some of the other sites which carry the good brands, they're right "next door" in Texas so that's good for me. And a discount code is even better. Gonna email them today and see what they can do for me as far as bulk purchases go... At least on the name brand batteries they list the real mah ratings and not some grossly false claim like the xxxfire ones.
LOL @ star wars jedi prop.

Got in contact with cajun lasers and will get one of these in a couple of weeks. I really REALLY miss having a greenie. 445nm is fun for burning but nothing beats the punch of a great honking bright 532nm pointer :)

Thanks for your review Fiddy. I really only want to risk bringing in one green pen, and this will be it. If for some silly reason it gets siezed I'll stick to modules.
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Cheers mate!

If Clif at cajunlasers ever gets them back in, jump on it, not only does he LPM them, he strips em down into parts and sends them in seperate packages on seperate days!
seems to have 3 in stock at the moment, but by the time I get my laser glasses from dethlores groupbuy, power meter from lasersbee and argon from dave, he'll have none left :P
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