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Not to beat a dead horse... Safety Goggles. I can't see the beam. So I do not use.

Mar 24, 2016
I know it is just a matter of time. Not using them is dangerous.
I don't burn things. I don't use lasers around mirrors.. Camping trips, the beach at night, that kind of thing. Still, I know it.
Anyone with knowledge of where I and others with a limited income can find a set of safety goggles that allow for seeing the beam and give at least some protection. Sixty bucks on a pair is never going to work for me. I have a few pair of eBay ones and they allow Nothing thru.
I use primarily green 532nm lasers. Some with IR filters some without. From 50mW to 350mW. So I need IR and green filtering.
Someone please talk to me.

If you want to see the beam, and you cannot afford safety your best bet is to get a verified 5mw 532nm Laser from somewhere that is reputable and trusted to be sure that it is actually 5mw; then use a fog or smoke to see the beam safely.

I cannot see the beam well on any of my safety glasses OR goggles if they are rated for that wavelength; but I can see the dot. And to be honest with you, I do not even fire up my 1w laser in the house; I will walk outside and point it towards the woods far away to look at the beam on it. Glasses on to use it inside my garage.

I WILL use my weaker lasers (5mw overspecs) inside the garage and at night; and I do not use glasses for these but I still mind my safety and make sure nobody else is around.
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There are no goggles with which you can see the beam that will also protect your eyes, period.

If you want to see the beam, the best thing to do is set up the laser (while off) so that it is secure, won't move, and is situated where nothing will cross the beam close up. Then put on your goggles, turn on the laser, and ensure everything is safe, and move to stay in a safe location. Then take the goggles off and enjoy the laser beam.

Many of the laser accidents (to the owner) occur when a laser is not secure and falls off something, causing the beam to accidentally hit a person's eyes.
There aren't any goggles that will allow you to see the beam. If you wanna see the beam you're best bet is to just use the laser outside at night, and make sure it's not pointing anywhere dangerous.
^^^What they said^^^

Fact is most people on here use lasers without goggles a lot, because, well, we enjoy seeing the beams. There are no goggles that can protect, and allow a beam to be visible. Goggles are meant to be used as a last resort safety measure, when you're setting up the laser to be used. If what you're doing is pointing it at trees outside, or a wall inside, holding it... well, of course you won't be wearing a pair, it would defeat the purpose.

I've found the Uvex goggles (better than nothing link in my signature) to work well.
