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FrozenGate by Avery

Non laser items


Dec 18, 2011
I have a lot of rc helicopter stuff for sale, I realize I am new here and all. I can provide my ebay name and my name on some other sites that I have sold on. If you are considering getting into rc heli's I have everything to get you going except fuel and batteries. I have 2 Raptor 50's, 1 Raptor 90SE, 1 Compass E600, 1 RJX 50 and 2 brand new RJX 500's I have collected all this stuff over the last several years, I have 2 9 channel radios and 1 7 channel, Carbon and wood blades as well as support parts for each heli to last several crashes. I might even be interested in trading for laser items. If you are serious I can send you pics, I am going to put all this on ebay so there will be pics there also. http://search.ebay.com/?sass=laborer1us&ht=-1
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I have a lot of rc helicopter stuff for sale, I realize I am new here and all. I can provide my ebay name and my name on some other sites that I have sold on. If you are considering getting into rc heli's I have everything to get you going except fuel and batteries. I have 2 Raptor 50's, 1 Raptor 90SE, 1 Compass E600, 1 RJX 50 and 2 brand new RJX 500's I have collected all this stuff over the last several years, I have 2 9 channel radios and 1 7 channel, Carbon and wood blades as well as support parts for each heli to last several crashes. I might even be interested in trading for laser items. If you are serious I can send you pics, I am going to put all this on ebay so there will be pics there also. My user name on there is laborer1us

What sort of laser items are you interested in?

Dd the RJX 500's have the flybarless head?

Are they the newer Xtreme versions or the old versions?

Im in Indiana as well.
Well I have 2 of the 500's but your talking about the 50 size, RJX just came out with 500 size about half way through last summer and they are flybarless only. The 50 is the older version but I have almost all the parts for it here. I have an online store and have been an RJX dealer for over a year now. It can come either way, I have both heads for it and the heli is the extreme and not the hurricane. Not real sure on the laser items, would need to be of comparable price. I have a spectra physics 155 that wont light, not sure if its the tube or what. I just acquired an Omnichrome 74 which has a busted tube. I need the air purifier for my argon laser. I really dont have anything in particular I am looking for.
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If you have some complete RC helis with everything, I'm interested.
This in an international Forum...

You are limiting your eBay sales only offering to
ship to the USA only...

Well I have 2 of the 500's but your talking about the 50 size, RJX just came out with 500 size about half way through last summer and they are flybarless only. The 50 is the older version but I have almost all the parts for it here. I have an online store and have been an RJX dealer for over a year now. It can come either way, I have both heads for it and the heli is the extreme and not the hurricane. Not real sure on the laser items, would need to be of comparable price. I have a spectra physics 155 that wont light, not sure if its the tube or what. I just acquired an Omnichrome 74 which has a busted tube. I need the air purifier for my argon laser. I really dont have anything in particular I am looking for.

That SP155 is pretty old, it may be the tube.

You should post more information about the helis, like if they are kits only, or built helis, and if built what is included etc.

Please post more info on the RJX helis, (50's and 500's) and I may be interested. Please post pics if you have any. I am however NOT interested in the Rappy's.
