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FrozenGate by Avery

No Longer FS: "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW


Dec 7, 2010
No Longer FS: "Pulse Jet" 635nm 550mW+

I majorly need to do some laser-spring-cleaning, so I've decided to put up for sale a build I showcased in this thread:


I wanted a build that could run on cells you'd find at a drug store. Hence the "Pulse Jet" laser, that runs on 3x AAA cells. Both Alkaline and NiMH AAAs work just fine, and provide him with enough juice to run full steam ahead at 550mW+. You could also likely use a single 22500 or 18500 lithium-ion cell if you wanted to. The "Pulse Jet" name is a result of it's resemblance to the engine of an aircraft or spaceship :) This build uses one of the ultra-tiny ultro-low-dropout Mosquito RED drivers. The build LPMs at 550mW+ on my LaserBee, and peaks at over 600mW on my Ophir (during the first 45 seconds that aren't captured on a LaserBee USB 2.5W model).


You MUST NOT be a resident of Canada
You MUST own laser protection goggles appropriate for this wavelength, and
You MUST be over 20 years of age, and
You MUST be familiar and experienced with the appropriate safety precautions to take with lasers of this power.

This is not a laser pointing. At all times, protective laser safety glasses appropriate for this wavelength must be worn by the operator. This laser should not be used around 3rd parties (non-operators) pets, or for any recreational purpose.

This laser's purpose is use as a laser light source for LPM (laser power meter) sensors and meter system calibration. In order to ensure the most reliable calibration for your system, it is prudent to use multiple calibration lasers, representing multiple wavelengths, as well as multiple output powers, spanning the range of an LPM sensor's working detection range.

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Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

Another great build for another great price, rhd! :D
Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

Awesome laser you got there!

Is it a single mode mitsubishi diode? Also, isn't that a sunwayman v10r host? What does the battery carrier look like?

Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

It's a 3x AAA carrier - just the standard type. It's a Mitsubishi, multi mode. And it's a Sunwayman clone, I believe.
Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

Is there any way to get a picture of the dot on a white wall? Also, what is the approximate runtime on 3AA's and the divergence of this laser?
Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

Is there any way to get a picture of the dot on a white wall? Also, what is the approximate runtime on 3AA's and the divergence of this laser?

The dot won't be much (any) different than a mitsubishi multimode dot in general. It will be better with the 3-element than with a G1, but apart from that, you're always going to be limited by the "rectangular" output of these diodes.

If you used AAA alkalines with 1,000mAh capacity, you should expect around an hour of usage. Basically, take the capacity of an individual cell (whether NIMH, Alkaline, etc), and divide it by 1000. The result is the number of hours of runtime you'll get before cell depletion.
Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW


Correction to my earlier thread. I had guessed that this host might also take 22650s in a pinch, if you didn't want to use AAAs for some reason. I typod that, it's 22500s (like these) that replace AAA carriers, not 22650. You could also use an 18500 (much more common). OP revised.
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Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

I am very interested. Is the price negotiable? What's the best price you can offer me.

Re: For Sale (FS): "Pulse Jet" 635nm @ 550mW

What's the divergence of this laser?

Is it possible to know how long can it reach so that you can still see the dot where you are pointing?
