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FrozenGate by Avery

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Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Ill take one, is it still at 129 or 149?
and also where should I send the money? :P
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Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Got mine today, and it is amazing! I'm going to need goggles to look at it much longer. Terrific laser and it's BLUE! I'm an older dude and I never thought I'd own a blue laser without dropping thousands on a big lab laser --- this is incredible!

Thanks Yob.
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

^ You should'nt be operating lasers like these without safety glasses... No matter what
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Got mine today, and it is amazing! I'm going to need goggles to look at it much longer. Terrific laser and it's BLUE! I'm an older dude and I never thought I'd own a blue laser without dropping thousands on a big lab laser --- this is incredible!

Thanks Yob.

"to look at it much longer". ??? Please don't do that.
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

I received mine today. Shipping was very fast and everything was packaged well. I was very happy to see how good quality everything is and how bright the blue beam is. Having a good focus ring is very nice too. Was thinking of buying another one for backup, but not sure if any are left. I was also maybe looking for another wavelength. Anyway, awesome laser!
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Hello yobresal, i'm sorry, i don't English-speaking because i'm french.

I want buy your laser 1.2 watts 445mn, what the price ? Please

Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

with translator

Hello I live in France and want to know the price of your laser 1.2 watts 445mn blue shipping inclusive.
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Have been out of the laser hobby for a couple of years now, but with such a good deal I cannot resist getting into it again :D

If you still have got some of these left I am interested in one. I assume payment will be done via Paypal?
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Hey one of my friends has your lasers and its sick! I'm PMing you.
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

i think i know who is it
beacuse this i ask him this

No problem. I gathered that. I was just saying that we encourage members to share where they are located. :beer:
Re: 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers CHEAP $149.99

Just checked my paypal transaction. Nothing from anyone with your last name. Check to be sure it was sent to the right email addresss,
Re: ***SALE 8/8-8/15 1.2 Watt Copper 445nm blue lasers $129.99 shipped****

Where areyou from? We appreciate it when everyone shares where they are located. ;)

I agree. If you want to know where a Time Traveler is from you must say where you are from first.
