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Nice to meet you

Jun 13, 2024
hello. I am currently 21 years old and became interested in lasers after watching StyroPyro's 3w 445nm video a few years ago. Since then, I have learned a lot of information about making laser pointers and made a 1w laser using parts designed to be compatible with the ndg7475 diode, survival laser host, and 25mm copper module. When I turned it on, the excitement was greater than any other joy in the world. However, when I think about the size of the entire laser market, what I felt and experienced was like a grain of sand on a beach, and I joined LPF to experience the greatest joy by accessing a variety of knowledge that I had never experienced before. thank you!

Welcome to LPF! I still remember building my first DVD laser, it was drab and haphazard compared to some of stuff I've made over the last year but man was I proud of it!
Welcome to LPF.
Enjoy and remember to always lase safely. :)
Hi, I started this hobby with StyroPyro's DVD lasers. Although my building attempts were unsuccessful at that time as a child, so I stopped building and bought the lasers instead. Welcome to the forum. 🙂
