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Nice Burning Laser for under $100?

Sep 4, 2007
I know DX has a nice 200mW red with the focusable lens for $43 (holy ****), but I was wondering if they had a good green burning laser for under $100? If not, what would be the highest mW, with the most visible beam, I could get on there for under $100?

Like a portable one? I'm getting one of these, which should be pretty decent, especially since it's focusable. I don't trust the other more expensive ones that are still under $100. They may burn, but they'll probably also burn out quickly too. Kaidomain has the 100mW version for a little over $100. If you don't mind a lab laser (i.e. a stage laser), check out this thread. Only 48 or so left!
both KD and DX revieved many lasers so quickly! Most of them we aren't even familiar with. for example, here is a 100mW laser for $67 on Kaidomain.:

however, we are more famaliar with the newly added focusable lasers. On KD the focusable laser's are cheaper, you can get a 150mW for $136.00, rather than $157.00 on DX.

If you would like to stick even close to $100 then you can get the focusable 100mW on KD for $108.86:

if it needs to be under $100 then you can get the focusable 50mW laser from KD for $52.99:

I say you should check out what they have to offer:

and link all the lasers you like. we can tell you our experiences with the lasers, or if you should get it.
wow some of those from KD are really cheap for the power .. i guess i will have to also look there in the future.. what kind of shipping charges do they have?
Maven said:
wow some of those from KD are really cheap for the power .. i guess i will have to also look there in the future.. what kind of shipping charges do they have?
free shipping.
But Dealextreme and KaiDomain lasers you can never be sure if they will be good or not, some are terrible, some are great! that is why you should check with us first before buying, we might have some input on the laser.
for example i can tell you the focusable laser is VERY powerful but can sometimes have a faulty button. If no faulty button then it is the ultimate laser for the price!
i am not very concerned with the electronics as long as it isn't too hard to get into the laser... i have a strong electronics background and would even feel confident enough to build my own driver board ... the main thing i am interested in is the diodes and possibly the host
360freak said:
All of these have no IR filter though, right?
nope. however we've found out that the focusable lasers dont emit much IR, most of it is green! :)
