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Newbie questions

Ha, yeah, guess I should have read the whole thread lol.
That does look quite a bit more precise than a 3D printed jobber...

Funny seeing the Euro almost 1:1 with the FRN.

Euro replaced the FRN
Euro is about 1 to 1 with USD
USD is worth .87 pound sterling

Looks like inflation is bad all over.
Sorry, I mean Federal Reserve Note, they're not real USDs!
I'm eagerly awaiting the reversal of Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and a return to a true USD!
Otherwise we'll be going to a CBDC and we're all phucked.
There's no real chance of that is there ?

CBDC ???
Well, the Feds been going audit free since 1913, or maybe there's been one since it's inception, but it's high time we audit the Fed.
And frankly do away with it and go back a currency based on something tangible, our fiat currency is essentially worthless and they just keep creating more and more of it with the press of a button. There's nothing backing it other than faith and that's dropping quick. Especially globally with Russia and BRICS nations looking to unseat the USD as the world reserve currency.

Central Bank Digital Currency. The amount of debt our country and most of the globe is in is simply untenable, debt is at staggering numbers. The only solution is to crash the system and transition to a digital dollar. Or end the Fed and go back to a gold backed non centralized currency as our founding fathers intended.
I do believe we're in for a helluva economic collapse, every financial system is so rigged to the hilt and overextended.

Guess I'll cut it off there before it looks like I'm hijacking the thread lol
Screw an all digital currency, that's a tyrants dream come true.......they will turn your account off at will or limit what you can buy, hell the alphabet boys along with private partners already store every purchase in our forever files which AI can scrutinize by any set of parameters thank you Patriot act, it's only one step away from blocking people from buying anything based on whatever.....social scores.....perceived risk.....BMI-No cake for you Mr. fat American......you wan't to buy lasers - not without a purchase permit.
How about something like this
Intresting, I love forums :-) you start with one thing and end up finding something else. I was looking at that type of thing but the bulky LED unit is the issue. have thats why I went for FC laser as is small and light.

If there is anything else you have seen please post info. I'm always intrested in new ideas.

reletivly low power (Li-on battery pack 3000mah laster 8 hours 12v or 5v)

I have attached a picture of how last years costume looked. I'd like the same again but without the cost and bulk. a few things broke so I have had to completly redo the electronics and power pack due to the size and weight

2 x RGB FC lasers with PWM control
1 x RED FC laser with external PWM
1 x Green laser with external PWM
6800mah battery

P.S. I will be putting the two RGB lasers up for sale when this forum allows it


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Is that all you are looking for, heck man ebay, aliexpress, amazon all have tons of this cheap and easy with the battery powered RGB source and fiber ready to go.

This runs on 12v and has everything you need, it's compact and easy......why re-invent the wheel?

Here's another with a very compact head.

Check this out.

Web is full of this stuff, I'm sure there's a dance/rave body lighting kit store.
Here's one.
Here's some more> Look here.

Search for EL wire kits like this.
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Is that all you are looking for, heck man, aliexpress, amazon all have tons of this cheap and easy with the battery powered RGB source and fiber ready to go.

EL wire is nowhere near as bright, my first costume was EL wire and whilst better than nothing lacked the intensity and complexity I wanted, then came V2 in EL wire, made a lot of effort finding the brightest EL wire and made quite a good complex pattern. But it was hand sewn onto the costume! Took a long time and on the very first night it failed. When you buckle EL wire or its bend radius is too much as happens on a stretchy costume it fails. So lots of time making, probably £300 in parts trying to get the right stuff and it failed first night!

Then came V3, I found corning side emitting fibre, robust, flexible and you can use it like a thread. but it needs FC lasers and they aren’t cheap as stated, especially when you want a few of them. £500 a good few hours making however it did last three nights, finally one length failed when a woman caught her ring in it and the large battery bag fell off and damaged the fibre at the connections!

V4 (2023), I have found a way to make it even more robust whilst keeping the brightness and flexibility but the lasers aren’t cheap, hence my post.

I really appreciate everyone’s help and patience, especially Red Cowboy.

I have found a 100mw RED laser with driver (see picture) but because I'm new to this I don't know if that thread is a standard for lens/holders also if the G2 lens is appropriate for what I want (simply close focus and nothing more I think! Unless someone is going to say “wavelength” for RED,GREEN and BLUE lasers)?

Whilst creating anything I spend more money developing it than the actual final version, this is why I'm asking so many questions to save myself money, as I can't afford £500 just to finally find the end result costing £50.

Yes, as RedCowboy says I can buy the FC lasers complete but that total cost is £250 just for the lasers then 10m of the fibre is £140 excluding all the other electronic bits.

Ideally someone can say "here, use these R,G,B ebay laser, with these lens’s and holder, total £xx get someone to machine a small FC end piece and your sorted”

I can 3D print all the holders for the PCB etc and make the electronics myself.


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Your edge emitting fiber is pretty thick isn't it ? Something like 3mm - 8mm .....if so I would test just shining the laser into the fiber and see what you get, if acceptable then make or 3D print a holder......of course you can experiment with the lens focus.
Your edge emitting fiber is pretty thick isn't it ? Something like 3mm - 8mm .....if so I would test just shining the laser into the fiber and see what you get, if acceptable then make or 3D print a holder......of course you can experiment with the lens focus.
The core is 170um the outer is 1mm thick approx, thats why I think they use FC connectors. but maybe I'm over thinking it.

Do you think the laser in the advert picture would be able to focus on a 0.17mm fiber at a resonable distance (max 10mm)?
170um side emitting fiber........why so small ? OIC that's how they get away with low power lasers.

A laser in theory can be focused down to it's wavelength, in practice not so much, that said a 100mw 650nm is not going to be very bright, I haven't used one with side emitting fiber but I have illuminated all kinds of materials and 100mw of 650nm is unlikely to satisfy you. 638nm is much more visible and I expect you will need more output, but maybe buy yourself a cheap laser and do some testing.

Here's something interesting, apparently 20mw is enough > https://www.ellumiglow.com/difference-between-laser-wire-cable-and-side-emitting-fiber-optic

149.00 complete with emitter.
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Just curious if you've looked at 12v LED rope or strips?
I'd imagine the rope is fairly robust compared to fiber or EL, albeit quite thicker.
The strips could be really cool as you can get individually addressable LED strips and have chasing or other sequences going on with them. Here's an example. And a video example.
Strips too I'd image bigger than you're wanting, and no idea how well they'd hold up to consistent movements.
Plus adding complexity as then you're needing an Arduino or some type of controller.
Not a suggestion by any means, but they popped to mind and got me to wondering how well strips would hold up in costume use.

Edit: Based on your costume I'm going to think you're familiar with, or at least researched, costuming and such after coming across this video
I expect OP wants it brighter, so this coupler and a brighter laser is what I would do some testing with.
If your connector is FC then also use an SMA to FC coupler.
You want a laser that uses an M9x0.5 barreled lens

Just curious if you've looked at 12v LED rope or strips?
I'd imagine the rope is fairly robust compared to fiber or EL, albeit quite thicker.
The strips could be really cool as you can get individually addressable LED strips and have chasing or other sequences going on with them.
Strips too I'd image bigger than you're wanting, and no idea how well they'd hold up to consistent movements.
Plus adding complexity as then you're needing an Arduino or some type of controller.
Not a suggestion by any means, but they popped to mind and got me to wondering how well strips would hold up in costume use.
Yeah, I have quite a lot of experaince with LED strips, there are addreassable ones with much higher density 312led per meter :)

Probably is with strips is left to right flexibilty, OK for slight curves, also power consumption if you turn then all on, lots of amps. Arduino isn't an issue as I'm using that to control the laser (PWM)

