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FrozenGate by Avery

New owner, looking for goggle confirmation.


New member
Apr 9, 2020
Hello everyone, I was recently gifted my first laser and I found this forum trying to learn as much as I can before turning it on for the first time. I received a 3w Thor H from the laserpointerstore in 450nm, and I don't really trust the goggles that came with it. From what I've read so far, I'm looking at the Eagle Pair 190-540nm OD5 standard goggles...https://www.survivallaserusa.com/index.aspx?pageid=1667092&prodid=7862033. My question is, does anyone know if I'd need IR protection with this laser? There are some goggles that protect against IR light, and I'm not sure if the goggles linked above will do, or if I'd need one of the pairs with IR protection and less light transmission. Thank you for all of the great info here, I'm looking forward to reading more.

Those goggles are fine, you don't need IR protection as only ir and 532nm lasers produce IR light. A 3W laser is a very bad idea for a first laser. I would suggest you put it aside and get something like a 100-200mW green laser. It will be nearly as bright (if not brighter) and be much less dangerous. You can use the same goggles for it. IR is a factor in 532nm green lasers but if you get it from a reputable source it will have an ir filter. Or you can get a diode green laser in 520nm. I suggest jetlasers either way. The pl-e mini is a great value.
Brendon thank you for the info and recommendations. I agree with your opinion and will not be using the 3w until I can learn more.
Yes as stated, those goggles are perfect and that laser does not have any IR leakage.
