Well, i like small lasers very much, and i ordered these tiny hosts a while ago, just to test them out.
The head has almost the perfect ID for an AixiZ module. I mean, it's so close, it's almost frustrating.. :

If there was contact, the body would help dissipate some heat. It would still require a duty cycle, as the shell is thin, but at least you would then feel the heat outside, and know when to shut it down.
The module is slightly loose in the head, but it might be possible to wrap something around it, so there would be some contact.... If you push it to one side, there is like 0.7 - 1mm room on the other. So yeah, it's about physical room. The "heatsink" would have to be around 0.3mm thick.. Maybe less, not sure. The best thing may be to make the module thicker, by wrapping some thin metal around it or something.
That's why i was asking if he managed to stick something in between. I would still like to make myself a blu ray or two using this host. I have some diodes left, that were too weak for use in my lasers, so i could put them in here, and power at a more normal current, where heatsinking is not that crytical... But i still wouldn't want them to overheat..
I make the other heatsinks myself. At 160mA (doing 166mW after plastics - an above average diode), i left a laser on for an hour. 33°C after 30 minutes and 36°C after one hour. But since we are pushing these diodes way above their ratings, maybe even above their pulsed ratings, you never really know what will happen. It can work long enough for you to believe it'll make it, and then just crap out one day, even if the heatsinking is perfect.
We don't know that much about these diodes yet.. In fact, i could even imagine a scenario, where heat would make a diode live longer!