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New FDA Laser Pointer Safety Video

Jan 2, 2016
I'm sure many of you have seen this, but I didn't see it posted here anywhere.
Not sure I wanted to post it, as it says some things that I don't like....(2:32) :scowl:



Being the safety minded person I am and how much I care for everyone here. I am immediately putting together an extremely easy and carefree program to save you from all those dangerous and nasty hand held lasers over 5mW per the FDA(big brother) I will make it very easy for you so that you will be saved from being possessed and under the trance of these evil lasers.
1) Simply provide your email address and I will send you a prepaid shipping package to rid your home and soul of these evil and dangerous devices.
You will feel the weight rise up off your shoulders as you cleanse your home of these dangerous contraptions that have wormed their way into your heart and turned it dark. Your Mom will rejoice as her worry for you and her burden is lifted and the sky will part and be bright once again.
You beat me to it LC, but if you find yourself with too many lasers, I'm willing to help, but only because it's the right thing to do. :D
In all seriousness, when I saw that this was produced by the FDA, I expected far worse.
I guess Hap is the only one here that is legal! ;)

BTW - Thanks for sharing this Jeffrey!
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ROFL - You guys crack me up! :crackup:

Hey, you both have enough lasers already - it's the new peeps like me that only have one or two that need to be on the receiving end of that equation! lol
I will check and see if I have any pointers over 5mw and discard if so.

However I do have my own wood burning art tools that utilize direct energy that allows me to vary line width and such, I am still developing my artistic talent and don't keep much of my art, but I do wear proper safety equipment when using my tools.

Tools I might add that I do not sell or allow to be used by anyone else.
It all depends on how you interpret the message from the video. As far as educating the public at large, i think they are right.

I'm not saying that the import or sale of powerful handheld lasers should be banned at all, but they should not be marketed as 'presentation pointers' or something similar to that. Using them casually for such purposes would probably result in injuries and worse reputation overall.

Blasting around a class IV laser is a bit like clipping your fingernails with a chainsaw - some people might be able to do so safely but it's not generally a good idea. Neither is trying to fell a tree with nail cutters though, so use the right tool for the right job ;)
Welcome to the dark side Hap!!! guess you just cross the legal boundary and joined your fellow lazer man ....
