Has anyone else got any info on these SB217HL91/SB217HN91's (GH05030C2LM) diodes other than Paul who is off currently? The SB1573N91's are all over $100 each now, whilst these new diodes are still going cheap. What I'm really hoping for is that they are newer <505nm diodes that the sellers haven't caught on to raise the price yet.
I'm currently trying to decipher Sharps Product codes.
From what I can tell for
most, definitely
not all of their visible low power laser diodes it goes like this.
GH0 - XX (First Two Numbers of Wavelength) - XX (Power in mW) - D ( if includes a Photodiode (PD)) - W (if is a multimode (MM) diode) -A2G (Seems to be their code for the package type. A2G = 5.6mm Can; A5G = 3.8mm Can, A8C = 1.8mm Frame)
For example: GH05035A2G would be a 500nm series diode with a rated power of 35mW, doesn't include a photodiode, is single mode and has a 5.6mm Can package.
So in that case, what on earth is -C2LM?
What I can get from the code is that is also a 500nm series, has a rated power of 30mW, doesn't include a photodiode and is also single mode, but does have a unknown package type. :thinking: Yet from eBay listings we know it is also most likely a 5.6mm Can.