oh sorry those dont come with a charger. id recommend buy the nitecore i2 or i4 from illumination supply. its $10 & $15 respectively but it will litterally be the last charger you will ever buy. does 18650, 16340, 18350, 26650, 14500, 10400, AA, AAA, and C just to name a few. its also a smart charger to protect against over charging and hazards like that. you can find them
HERE. I promise it is 1000 times better than the crap chargers you get when you buy a laser. also you can get sanyo or sony 18650s or if you want you can always get ultrafire 18650's but keep in mind they are not the same quality as panasonic, sanyo or sony. they are also not the mAh advertised. rule of thumb is take the advertised mah of ultrafires and cut it in half for the real mAh. this is why i recommend panasonic since they are great quality and will last you longer.
as for glasses, i am a strong believer that over protection is important when it comes to eyes. we only have 2 for all of our life! the ones on lazerer may or may not be adequate for 50mW but keep in mind, you will probably get the laser bug and this wont be your only laser. with that in mind, id get a good pair of glasses that will cover stronger powers, i.e. eagle pair glasses or at minimum the uvex ones.
finally just a reminder, 532nm are DPSS thus give off both 532nm and 1064nm (IR) which is very harmful to the naked eye. the glasses lazerer sells dont protect against IR and nor do the uvex. the eagle pair
HERE do protect against IR and will also cover 190-540nm so if you expand to a 445 or 405 then your covered. only thing it doesnt cover is red wavelengths
any more questions just keep asking