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FrozenGate by Avery

Need information about lens

What you get depends on the seller. They list what you get generally. It also depends on what pieces you have and what pieces you need. Look at what you have and look at the picture and see what you need and then look through these shops and see if you can find what you need. Your goal for the diode/lens/laser housing is to have #1,2,3, and 4.

A line generator and a cross hair lens are both add-on shape lenses that will make a shape other than a dot. If you want a dot don't get either of them or any shape lenses at all. Instead get just a focus lens (#2). #2 should be a glass 3 element AR 650nm lens or a G-1 single element AR 650nm lens(a G-1 lens is VERY expensive and generally unnecessary if your goal isn't super high power and burning stuff). Do not use the little cheap glass and acrylic lens that may come a module you buy unless its stated to be NOT acrylic or at minimum has to be AR coated for the type of laser you are making (650nm for your case). Basically the ones that come with most modules are useless.

These are all regular main focus lenses that make a dot. You can ADD a shape lens to them to make it have a shape (cross hair or line generator) but its 100% optional. I would suggest you buy from DTR over Aixiz mainly because DTR is awesome and often goes out of his way to help you and his shipping speed is wicked so the little extra cost(for this part) is worth it IMHO.
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Ah ok I understand now for the shape lens so for my usage it's useless, ok for the focus lens I think I will buy a glass 3 element AR 650nm lens because G-1 is too expensive ;p

When I speak about aixiz module I referer to the official dealer (which is aixiz) and I was thinking that you already get one but no problem I will contact them.

Of course I would like to buy some stuff but he haven't a laser module like aixiz have so I will buy to them, that's the only reason even if I will buy to him because he is present on this forum...

So thanks for all your help I haven't any questions (after all)

Goodbye =)
DTR has everything you need offered on his site or he links to pages where you can get it.

This is a complete module assembly offered by him in copper and includes a glass 3 element lens for your 650nm diode. Look at the bottom left corner of the page HERE. A copper module, focus ring, spring, and 3 element lens for $13 is a deal IMO.
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Thanks for your reply,

Ah I haven't see that thanks I will buy to him even if it's a little more exepnsive...
OK no problem I will do for you =) however I'm from france so it will take a while before I receive parts....
No problem at all. I'm just hoping I was helpful to you.

Also, I just want to quickly press on you that since its a 200mW diode it will output easily enough to cause eye damage so please be careful. Don't ever point it at someone's face or anywhere near an animal. You will also want to invest in some goggles if this is going to be a new hobby of yours. Best of luck on your build
Yeah I'm consicent that this build is not a toy.

You were very helpful for me and I don't know what will I do without you...
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So I received yesterday my red focus lens and my module, so I pressed the diode with my etau ith a socket (don't remember size and type) and after I adjust my driver to the max current that my diode can support and finally I adjust the distance between the focus lense and the diode to have a small dot...
To test if my diode deliver high power I try to burn paper or light a match but it doesn't work.

My diode can deliver 200mW so it's enough to burn paper...

Do you have an idea ? Do i try to put an amperemeter between led and driver to check if I have the max current support by my diode ?

Thanks for all
Your diode is likely just not powerful enough to burn. Even my 1W red doesn't burn well at all if I can get it to burn at all sometimes.

I also have a ~300mW red that doesn't burn anything ever XD
Hello thanks for your reply

Are you sure ? because I see some videos on youtube and they burn things with a >100mW diode laser...

Are they a special lens ?

Thnaks for all
You can use a magnifying lens, and then focus on a small dot on some black paper. It's not much different than burning stuff with sunlight.

I find burning stuff with magnifying lenses rather lame actually... I mean, you can focus light from a light bulb down to a small point and it'll burn stuff too right? The beam and bright spot is what is cool for me.
A 100mW 405nm may burn something, as well as a 445nm at that output but unless you can get your dot down to insanely tiny sizes there is no way that's enough power. There is one lens that would probably do it but they cost $40-$50+. Those lenses are called G1s or G2s and you can grab them for your red laser HERE. If you want to burn things with a laser you are best off just making a 405nm(S06J diode) for a small burner or going a bigger with a 445nm(M140 diode). If you want already made 445nm burning lasers there are a couple sellers out there right now:

Yobresal(I have one of these)

Blord(larger hosts better cooling)

eytyxhs(most common laser host budget laser)
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Thanks for your quick answer guys (I haven't the time to answer you this 2 weeks ago =( )

In fact I just want to light a cigarette or a wick; I don't want to burn plastic or other things like that...
So how can you explain that a 135mW 658nm laser can burn a match and a 200mW 658nm laser (which is mine) can't ? Is my led suck ? and why your 1W can't also ?
135mw homemade red laser 658nm lights matches - YouTube

So for burning things the best is buying a 405nm diode however can it be done with a 658nm with a more powerful diode (I suppose) ?

Thanks for all
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I was bored and after this thread I started to try burning with my 1W 635nm. Ok, well it burns pretty well. Nothing like even my 405nm but it still burns. If my LPC-826 hadn't just bit the dust after an unfortunate mishap I would take it for another go at burning stuff.

That video looks falsified to me. It lights those matches almost instantly which I find hard to believe at that output but it may be possible using a single element G1 and getting the focus to insanely small size. Also, a cigarette would require a far greater power to light than a match.

If your goal is to burn stuff then a 405nm offers great burning but little for means of using for anything but burning. A good 405nm would be a S06J and a good 445nm standard would be a M140. Both are offered by DTR here:

If you want to burn and have a spectacular beam(and save $7 on the diode) then go for the M140. Depending on your host and driver your output will vary for each one. If you know which diode you would prefer I could help you in much greater detail on actually building the laser if you like. If it came down to it I would even be willing to build you a laser.
My driver is a LM317 (in TO-220) powered by 2 li-ion.

You can check on youtube there are a lot of similary videos so I don't think there are all fakes.

What is the gain for a G2 lense compared to glass ? and G1 ?

So I think I'm interrested for the M140 diode, because it's cheaper and have a 2W what is its normal voltage ?
Can I burn things with that ? (I see you have some laser buid with this didoe)
A LM317 will not support this current what do you use ?

I don't want somebody build it for me because it'll cost more and I like building things myself and learn things...

Thanks for all
