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FrozenGate by Avery

Need help with new laser


New member
Nov 28, 2022
I had recently bought a laser and it wont turn on. I checked the battery and it works just fine, so theres something wrong with the laser but ibdknt know what

Some lasers require the positive/negative end of the battery to be inserted a certain direction. Some lasers have a protection circuit that stops the laser from getting fried if the battery is inserted the wrong direction. Make sure there isn’t a cap blocking the lens. What brand and model of laser and battery do you have? Someone with more expertise will probably chime in.
"most.'' greens (made with an IR laser diode then a lens that makes it green are almost always neg to the front- the makers must tell you and then you need to mark that inside the tailcap with a fine point sharpie.. BIG risk trying to find that out with trial and error IMHO.
