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FrozenGate by Avery

Need help fixing a lens.

Nov 30, 2016
I know that sounds kind of ridiculous but I have a plan! I was playing with my 1W blue laser and while burning some things like a post it note and I noticed laser that somehow the lens got scratched (nothing is wrong with the diode the laser itself is fine). So I'm pretty sure you can't really fix scratched glass so I'm wondering if there is a reputable user out there that can remove my lasers diode and move it to a different host.

Sorry if I sound like an idiot ;) but I don't have too much knowledge in lasers which I know will probably harbor me a comment about how why would I get a 1W laser but I've had it for a few weeks now and had no issues and I also have non-cheap safety glasses for real eye protection and I'm very careful with it.

So I'm pretty sure you can't really fix scratched glass so I'm wondering if there is a reputable user out there that can remove my lasers diode and move it to a different host.

What laser do you have? Chances are the lens can just be changed.
It looks like that has a threaded-in lens assembly. Leave the diode where it's at and just get a new lens.
Thanks for the help guys I found a perfect match on ebay from a good seller so hopefully everything goes smoothly. GO LPF :D
Whats kinda odd is it says "405nm blue" but 405 is purple...and no way 405 would be that cheap and 1w at that price... its gotta be a 445
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Whats kinda odd is it says "405nm blue" but 405 is purple...and no way 405 would be that cheap and 1w at that price... its gotta be a 445

Yeah it doesn't add up. If it was true we would be harvesting from them lol. Maybe he can get his money back :crackup:
Whats kinda odd is it says "405nm blue" but 405 is purple...and no way 405 would be that cheap and 1w at that price... its gotta be a 445
405nm light is violet. Purple is blue and red light mixed.
Well if you knew 405nm light is the color violet, why did you say it's purple?

Mr. Technical. ;-)
Jhop, Steve has something on you! :p

And I do quote!

"Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red.[1][2] It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue."
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Jhop, Steve has something on you! :p

And I do quote!

"Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red.[1][2] It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue."

I think I'll send him the 120 count box of Crayola Crayons so he can learn his colors properly.
