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Need help deciding to make it live !!

Sorry about the misunderstanding buddy log day for me, please yes i agree a 44 wouldn't be any good for divergence wise i consider that . So basically a nice 520 would be great . Thank you for pointing that out my friend,,


I got a osram 520 at a steal on ebay, had to pot mod it but it's a flat edge 3.8 diode so it may be good for more, just ordered one from DTR too so I can compare, the one I have makes a very decent beam, has a wider side but finishes tight in the far field, I think I like the 520nm color better.

Next to a 532 I see a much bluer color in the 520, yellower in the 532, my cam sux but you can see that the beam looks good.

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I got a osram 520 at a steal on ebay, had to pot mod it but it's a flat edge 3.8 diode so it may be good for more, just ordered one from DTR too so I can compare, the one I have makes a very decent beam, has a wider side but finishes tight in the far field, I think I like the 520nm color better.

Next to a 532 I see a much bluer color in the 520, yellower in the 532, my cam sux but you can see that the beam looks good.

Ya i know what you mean as my cam suck for taking beam shots too OR i just don't know what manual cam setting to use to get good beam shots.......
