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FrozenGate by Avery

NDG7475 1.2W+ in Cypreus XL .

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May 21, 2016
G'day fellow Beamers.

This is my very first build.

Part used:

Diode: NDG7475T.
Driver: 2.4 Amps SXD.
Module: 12 x 30mm copper module.
Lens: G7.
Host: Cypreus XL

Battery: 2 x 18650.

Brand: Sanyo/Panasonic.
Product code: NCR18650GA.
Capacity: 3500mah.
Max discharge rate: 10Amp.

-Firstly i would like to say thank you to DTR. I originally ordered a NUGM01T
but he was kind enough to give me a free upgrade on X-mas day last year.

Customer Service was top notch, Very fast respond and the diode was very well packed.

-Secondly, I would like to say thank you to Lazeerer, he customized the X-drive with soft start feature for me without extra cost. (i wonder where is he now, haven't seen that guy post for ages).

-Thirdly i would like to thanks the Veterans for encouraging me to do a build thread and a little push from you was helpful.

and Lastly to all members and C0ldshadow for building up this vault of laser knowledge.

Now the picture do all the talking.

Picture of all the parts: ( what should i choose..hmmm).



Diode in module:





the chosen ones:




-First solder the driver to the diode, lookout for the V+(solder red wire to V+) and V- sign( solder black wire to V-).

-Second solder LD+ to the diode's anode(+) while LD - to the Cathode(-).( refer to this diagram).


Thirdly screw the module back half or flood it with non-conductive thermal adhesive an then screw in the back half.

Next press the module into the heatsink and secure it with a set screw.

Solder the spring to contact board.


Solder the board to the red wire.

Solder the black wire to the heat sink to make this a case negative build.( battery negative to the tail cap).

Attach the focus knob onto the lens.


Put the spring into the lens holder and screw the lens back in.


Drop the module into the host.

put in the battery.

close the tail cap.

press the switch.

light on.


light off.


Keep Lazin'.

Obeh Teh Lazoor laws.

Don't forget to protect your seein' balls.
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Congrats on a successful build and +REP.
I'm confused abut the heatsink for that host as I have the shorter version (single 18650) and mine is chrome over copper. The original sink that came with mine is all copper and screwed in so I'm wondering why yours isnt. Actually built mine with that same diode:)
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Thank you very much for the kind words.:)

The laser was ridiculously bright!!.

I ruined the copper thread therefore i can't screw it in...

The g7 lens gives out too much splash though...
That's a shame about the heat sink. Were the threads damaged so badly that you couldn't retap them? I have the same host also with the screw in copper heat sink. The threads help enormously to dissipate the heat from the heat sink to the rest of the host. + Rep.
Yes that is a shame you can't use the original sink in that host . I have two one with a NDG700 and one with a 7A75 just can't wait till Sulman shows back here on the forum so we can get more of these great hosts.

Sulman has stopped machining host for quiet sometimes...( i asked him on every single forum that he registered).

He no longer machine Host but have someone else doing it.

I was planning on using CNC to replicate but i don't know the thread sizes and many other thing....

I was planing to send the host to China for duplicating but the catch is they want a minimum order of 50 items +.....:(
Yeah, I knew he quit some time ago. Too bad, as I used quite a few of his hosts to build a large number of lasers. He had quite the machine shop in Dubai. I'm sure there are a lot of us who miss his hosts. I still have an empty MS-SSW II.
There's always the possibility of repurposing some of my sinner's hosts, but only if the diode in it dies. I would never throw any of them away.
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