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FrozenGate by Avery

Named and SHAMED - Massive info thread.

I wasn't the only one to say that , see response # 70.

What i was referring to was that someone quoted the original post after it was asked by many posters to please remove the private messages. That weren't so private anymore.

If the person who's PMs were posted had taken care of his duties and responsibilities
from the get go and had not let it drag out for 8 months... this entire thread would
have never even existed...

So who's fault do you think is that....
Once something is posted in public... anyone can make a copy...

BTW... he should have nicely asked the poster to remove the PMs by PM...

That was pretty cold and I think it should be up to John and potatorage to agree on removing them or not. Personally I don't see why they should be taken down - there isn't really any personaly info, they have been viewed almost 750 times anyway and they can be looked back at in future for reference. Everything posted has some sort of value.
Of course if potatorage really really doesn't want them up there the removal should be considered.. I don't know. Honestly I don't care. Let potato contact Ben if he is desperate about getting the quote removed.


EDIT: You know who is c0ld? Our admin :p
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I dont mind removing them or leaving them, i have a text file copy. Not much point removing them if they are quoted so i will just leave it for future reference...unless potato really wants both the quote and original post removed.
He did PM me about it, but i was asleep and the message quoted before i woke up :)

What is in the PMs that are so bad that they need to be removed...:thinking:
There are no Addresses or personal info IIRC...

But if the 2 parties have "finalized" the original transaction...
Then it is up to them...:cool:

I agree.. I dont see the point but I guess its for any remaining rep that potato has at this point! I find what he did was childish and immiture, but I am happy that this was reasolved! for that i give him credit!

No offence but next time i feel it should have to take this long for a dispute to get resolved.. both parties are infault for dragging this out.. but you live and you learn!

AGREE 110% if he had not done this no one would have any reason to be on his butt. this is not the kind of thing one member should do to another !!!!!!!

Care to elaborate? The only lesson to be learned from this thread is that you shouldn't try to rip people off, but that's common sense to most of us. If you do try to rip people off, you can't get upset when people get angry. As an outside observer, I think it's more than right to ride the hell out of the person who is in the wrong until they make it right. It's no less than they deserve.
I agree with most of what you said but about that part about potato sacrificing something small I don't agree with that. he had agreed to buy a $299.00 laser for $150.00 and ended up paying $100.00 because of his own mistakes or deception, I would say he got off lightly and the man got screwed out of $50.00 by a 15 year old kid playing around in his bedroom, the kid retained his rep here which is realy stupid as in my eyes and I'm sure others his rep has dropped greatly. it will only be new people to this forum who will be duped by his bogus rep rating and taken advantage of. you brought this on your self potato so quit your crying :cryyy:

Most of us are friendly and helpful. I don't see how it is "cold" to try to help a member who was ripped off by a person who was considering doing a runner. Potatorage came through (with a bit of help, especially from Dave), and we can now move on with minimal losses. John has got some cash back and potato made a small sacrifice to retain his reputation.

I do agree that he got off very lightly and that John got screwed out of some money.. but it could have been much worse. John was nice enough to himself be the one who proposed only paying $100.. but what had happened if he had sticked with $150? Maybe Potato would have just left and then John would be left with nothing but a battered laser host.
If you are worried that his rep is still too high, why don't you go ahead and remove some? Nobody is stopping you.. I know it might not feel right that someone who screwed another person over for this long gets off without losing a single rep power, but his page is still covered in negative comments and his name will now forever be up here as a guy who tried to scam.
Anyone who does more than 1 minute of research would find out about this.. and the neg reps on his page will force him to contribute well to push them off the visible comments page.

Ive read this and the ban arenared thread , you guys screwed over the other guy and was VERY nice to this guy. and this guy said i dont care what you label me.

Im very much into karma.. and I believe in killing people with kindness.
im just a new guy and i am very interested in building my first laser. i would like to read about that and not some of the hipocritical posts ive read so far.

some people wanted me to elaborate on posts that i said were very cold and members comments. read the above and they will prove themselves.

that's my piece ...

. Potatorage came through (with a bit of help, especially from Dave), and we can now move on with minimal losses. John has got some cash back and potato made a small sacrifice to retain his reputation.

And after day's of this form debating. and this saga is at the top of the form for more people to see how we all are ?
Yes thang's are not right at all times, but when thang's get aheared. drop it, let go -- and on to what we came here in the first place.
I thank Jaseth said it in a good way.
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here here.. i want lasers!!! safely that is :)

You have said it all, and said it well, thank you ! Best Regards Pyro...

I do agree that he got off very lightly and that John got screwed out of some money.. but it could have been much worse. John was nice enough to himself be the one who proposed only paying $100.. but what had happened if he had sticked with $150? Maybe Potato would have just left and then John would be left with nothing but a battered laser host.
If you are worried that his rep is still too high, why don't you go ahead and remove some? Nobody is stopping you.. I know it might not feel right that someone who screwed another person over for this long gets off without losing a single rep power, but his page is still covered in negative comments and his name will now forever be up here as a guy who tried to scam.
Anyone who does more than 1 minute of research would find out about this.. and the neg reps on his page will force him to contribute well to push them off the visible comments page.

-----End of Thread----------(or at least read the above 3 pages before posting)
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