Okay - the email below is what was sent to me - some of it is edited - but it is posted with the author's permission....I am only editing out some business particulars he told me, and a few not entirely suitable bits for the younger audience that may be reading over Mom or Dad's shoulders :
Hi Greg, sorry, it's been really busy and somewhat troublesome about the lasers.
The current shipment was supposed to arrive last week, but it was held at customs during a random check because I think it was not labelled properly when shipped.
I decided on the name BFG Lasers, in reference to the green plasma gun in the video game DOOM. If you played any of the versions, you'll likely know what it stands for. Except this will be Big Fing Green Lasers instead of Big Fing Gun haha... The site will be
www.bfglasers.com , which I have yet to set up.
As for the naming contest, the name was chosen by myself, as I didnt quite like the a lot of the names suggested by the forums which seemed to center around greek gods/goddesses or some wierd star trek terminology. I wanted a name that will stick out in web searches, and not be mistaken for something else, or use a common word which wouldnt show up at all. So I've decided to give the prize to the person who chose the name of Nemesis on the LPF forum, as it would somewhat describe the competition of a new laser coming out on the market
I appreciate the effort you've put into compiling the name list. If I didnt end up choosing the name myself, I probably would have chosen Nemesis
So - with a posting date of May 3rd, with a time of 10:35am - the winner is : (drumroll, please ?) TIMELORD ! From LPF, and I think he visits here once in a while ! He selected the name Nemesis ! Now - in all fairness, if there are ANY questions about the above email, or the winner's name - first off, please be a good sport - and secondly, contact the owner at :
Now - if for some reason Timelord does NOT want the HeNe tube, I will do a random selection from all the entries to award that. Thanks, all !