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FrozenGate by Avery

Mysterious red laser light from 532nm laser?


Oct 31, 2010
This is a video of a 532nm laser's dot on a white phone in which I place a red filter between the cam and the green dot. The red filter makes the green dot appear red. My question is: What is the source of the red laser light?


What happens to the beam on the other side of that red filter? Does it appear collimated at all?
Am I the only one you read the title of this thread and panicked? :eek: I instantly thought, don't look into the IR light!
Yes fluorescence is the answer, thankfully. :p
I had a sorry your 532 module loss eulogy all written up.:whistle:
Edit: I'm sure tung the OP set us up nicely with that title:beer:
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I'm a slow thinker, didn't cross my mind that was what it could have been.
Its ok Alaskan, it could of been anything. Just that is what first came into my mind. :)
I saw this thread when it was minutes old and my first thought was someone was looking into the defective laser and seeing infrared light. Then I read the OP and before I could answer, diachi had beat me to it. I thought it was a dead thread at that point, so I didn't answer. I guess we are all looking for a pertinent thread to answer having so few of those these days.
GSS, :D. We were all to quick to think the worst. :crackup:

Agree--we are all used to "whatever can, usually does"--with a few exceptions +
with recent instances everyone is on orange troll/spam alert.

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Well yes, we do have our reasons.
whatever can, usually does
That phrase is usually accurate. On alert does cross my mind.
Paul, I too was going to leave this thread, but I was just interested to see if others had the same thought. :p
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