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FrozenGate by Avery

My saber collection.

Feb 25, 2008
I have 4 operational and 2 empties at the moment. All of these are from Saberforge.

L to R:
Guardian - This is one of 3 mystery sabers I bought. Turns out mine is slightly different than what's available on the website. I kind of like that since it makes it unique.
Ares - This was my first one. I went with the most expensive option since I wanted the ability to change the color.
Talon - The first mystery saber I bought. I chose the color not knowing what the saber would look like. The color is supposed to be mint green. Even though it is greener in person, it is still not close to mint green. I want to change it to red.
Mercenary - The color is more of a red in person. I plan on leaving it as is.


Nice looking Light Saber collection, Dr_Evil! :cool:

I've always wanted to use one of their saber hosts for a laser build, but haven't pulled the trigger yet.
I was thinking about that myself. Picking one to use will be the hardest part. I'm thinking a 1W green diode is what will be installed in it.
I've got the various Force FX LS from the last decade. I replaced the low power strip of LED's with brighter single LED's in the hilt and blades from dueling saber companies. Great fun. I break them out for Halloween use.
I've got the various Force FX LS from the last decade. I replaced the low power strip of LED's with brighter single LED's in the hilt and blades from dueling saber companies. Great fun. I break them out for Halloween use.
Sounds awesome dude
