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FrozenGate by Avery

My first 1w green laser... Which diode to use?

Jan 14, 2021
Hey guys, after i completed my 4.7w blue laser with a NICHIA NUBM4B i want to build a less powerful 1w+ green laser... But i m confused which diode to buy... Do i have to find a powerful Ir diode that will use special lenses to produce the green colour or are there diodes that will give green light themselves? Sorry if i sound stupid!

And any idea which boost driver to buy in order to use with NUGM01T? I want to use a single 18650 battery housing from a broken low power laser... I know where to ask for bucks but no idea for boost!
idk about boosts, what form factor are you looking for? More likely than not, you can find 2 smaller LiIons than the one you already have and put them in series so you can use a buck
Yes I have several ndg7475 and nugm03 units using 2 x 18350 cells in series, you can fit 2 x 18350 in a single 18650 housing.
Length of 70mm for two 18350 vs. 65mm for one 18650, use the non protected flat tops such as EFest IMR/INR

Use a G8 lens for the win.
The reason i wanted to use 18650 is because i have a lot of them... Maybe 30-40, all of them good cells, taken from powerbanks of xiaomi, anker and Huawei... So that's the reason... However i finally ordered a couple of 18350 pairs and i ll try that way!!!
