I'm working on my first experiment with lasers, and with no background in optics or electronics, i'm getting stumped by the simplest problems.
I've got a little red keychain laser ptr. that I want to power with a 9V battery; also, I want to replace the momentary button on its circuit with a rocker toggle that'll be located roughly 2in. away from the laser module.
The laser was originally powered by 3 AG13 button batteries (1.5Vx3); the switch was located in the circuit before the negative terminal of the battery, and the positive terminal was the metal housing itself. It's a very cheap little Chinese laser, sold as a pet toy. It didn't come with much by way of stats, but here's what I can see:
Class 3R laser product
Max. output 5.0 mW
Wavelength 650nm
Simply contacting the terminal points on the circuit to a 9V battery does nothing; I'm guessing 9V is too overpowered for the diode to activate. What would I need to do to make this work? What other information can I give? I don't need this to do anything amazing; it's meant to be a laser sight for a prop (costume) gun, and is purely for cosmetic effect.
If pics of anything would be useful, I'll be glad to post some. Thanks!
I've got a little red keychain laser ptr. that I want to power with a 9V battery; also, I want to replace the momentary button on its circuit with a rocker toggle that'll be located roughly 2in. away from the laser module.
The laser was originally powered by 3 AG13 button batteries (1.5Vx3); the switch was located in the circuit before the negative terminal of the battery, and the positive terminal was the metal housing itself. It's a very cheap little Chinese laser, sold as a pet toy. It didn't come with much by way of stats, but here's what I can see:
Class 3R laser product
Max. output 5.0 mW
Wavelength 650nm
Simply contacting the terminal points on the circuit to a 9V battery does nothing; I'm guessing 9V is too overpowered for the diode to activate. What would I need to do to make this work? What other information can I give? I don't need this to do anything amazing; it's meant to be a laser sight for a prop (costume) gun, and is purely for cosmetic effect.
If pics of anything would be useful, I'll be glad to post some. Thanks!