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Mhemling33's Review Thread (latest: E50 Eachine Pocket Drone)

Oct 19, 2012
Hey guys! In the spirit of not junking the forum up or becoming a spammer, I thought I will just create one thread that I will post my non-laser related reviews. These will be items that I feel the community would truly be interested in (not the latest rainbow sparkle iPhone case lol). Some items I post here I will purchase and some I will be given by various companies, either way it is my honest opinion and hopefully something you can use in making a decision about a purchase. I enjoy writing reviews but I am not the best person in front of a video camera so please bare with me! Feel free to ask any questions about a product or give me tips on reviewing.


Here is a link to the product I am reviewing
E50 Eachine Pocket Drone from Banggood

First off, I am not a drone expert but I can give you a beginners view of this affordable drone. My overall view on it is that if you are someone who wants to try a drone out that is cheap enough to not care if you get it stuck in a tree, then you should consider this drone. This is not a high end product by any stretch but it does work.

  • Price - $43 shipped from inside the US
  • Durable - I have crashed it probably 25 times in the past couple days and I haven't broke one part
  • Size - You can really put this thing in your pocket
  • Camera - allows you to take pictures and video
  • Spare Parts - It comes with replacement gears and propellers (luckily I haven't needed to use them yet)

  • Tough to control - I can fly it using the virtual joysticks on my phone. The only way I can keep it up is to use my phone gyroscope to control it
  • No audio - It would be nice if it recorded audio along with video.
  • Video/Picture quality - It's nothing to write home about but what can you expect in a drone at this price.
  • Run Time - It only lasted like 10-15 minutes from a full charge.
This is a fun and inexpensive drone to get your feet wet with drones. As you can tell from the video, if your a beginner it will take time to get the hang of it. I recommend flying it outside at first so you don't break anything. Also this is probably to difficult to fly for younger children.

My suggestions:
Use your phones gyroscope to control it, forget about the joysticks.
Don't bother with 30% mode, go straight for 60% or 100%. I find it much easier to control.
Start with the camera facing away from you at first. This way your controls are not opposite of the way you want it to go (if your just watching the drone).
Find an extra battery, it runs out as soon as your starting to get the hang of it.
Don't leave the battery unattended while charging. It mentions this several time through out the manual and with cheaper lithiums you should follow their advice.

Here is some multimedia for your entertainment











This product was provided to me by Banggoods.com to review, that being said my view on the product had no influence by this.
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Next review should be the Original Prusa I3 MK2S 3D printer that I just purchased (7 week wait)
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Nice review....
If you want better control then a smart phone
is NOT the way to go.
Better off with a joystick type controller. It will
be better to learn on a standard type RC Xmitter
when you get good at it and want to upgrade to
better/larger more intelligent multi-rotors.

Interesting review! :) Looks like you need a little practice though ;)

As Jerry mentioned a proper RC transmitter would be the way to go. Did you check to see if there are different modes ie high speed and low speed and whether you can trim the sticks? If you can set it on a less responsive setting, it might be easier to control. Trim will help prevent it from drifting when you are not touching the sticks.
Good luck, it looks like a fun toy. :beer:
Here is a video of my first outdoor flight. It went great until I crashed it... But it survived just fine. The one thing I did notice is that the lower the battery charge, the harder it is to control (roughly 5 minutes before performance drop).

Nice review....
If you want better control then a smart phone
is NOT the way to go.
Better off with a joystick type controller. It will
be better to learn on a standard type RC Xmitter
when you get good at it and want to upgrade to
better/larger more intelligent multi-rotors.


I had a feeling the smart phone might be hard to control but for my first done I can't complain. It definitely makes me want to look into something better but with a baby on the way I think the wife would kill me if I put up some money for a nice one.

Interesting review! :) Looks like you need a little practice though ;)

As Jerry mentioned a proper RC transmitter would be the way to go. Did you check to see if there are different modes ie high speed and low speed and whether you can trim the sticks? If you can set it on a less responsive setting, it might be easier to control. Trim will help prevent it from drifting when you are not touching the sticks.
Good luck, it looks like a fun toy. :beer:

I tried to adjust the trim sticks but didn't have luck with it outside today, and I can't keep it flying long enough indoors to make adjustments lol. Adjusting the trim would definitely help but the battery seems to die before i can figure out if it's me or the drone that's drifting. I actually have better control with around 60% response, the 30% seems too unresponsive.
