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FrozenGate by Avery

Messed up Camera...

Jun 13, 2007
My Canon SD550 has always been good to me, but recently I have been having a problem with this camera. It seems to be knocked out of focus, I can take macro pictures just fine, but if I try to take a picture of something more than a few feet away, the picture comes up out of focus. If I zoom in the camera 3x (its max optical zoom), then I don't get this problem. The camera also says that the battery is low even after a fresh charge. Do any of you know what might be wrong with this camera? I don't want to have to buy a new camera...

The rechargeable battery's might have reached there life expectancy.
And for the focus issue, Maybe you knocked the Aperture or the lens and on of the focus lens is out of place ?
Funny, last night my camera did something similar. I turned it on, and it wasn't focused. No matter how many times I tried, everything was a big blob, and it couldn't find a focus point. I tried everything, turning it on and off, trying macro, and it seemed broken... Then I took the card out and put it back in, shook it, and it was fine. :o Just wait a few more days and blow the card off, it might work. :)
Thanks for the ideas! I tried the idea randomlugia but it didn't work, it has been like this for a couple of months. I think I'm just going to have to sell off a couple of my lasers and buy a new camera, I'm looking at the Canon SD870.
If you're real desperate, take it apart carefully and reassemble it. With some luck, you might just realign something or find something out of place. My SLR lens use to seize up preventing me from using the aperture; I disassembled it to find the mechanism full of sand :o I seriously don't know how it got there...
digital_blue said:
If you're real desperate, take it apart carefully and reassemble it. With some luck, you might just realign something or find something out of place. My SLR lens use to seize up preventing me from using the aperture; I disassembled it to find the mechanism full of sand :o I seriously don't know how it got there...
Once I get a new camera I'll try that, I can't risk breaking it now because it can still take macro pictures and zoomed in pictures with it...that way if I break it it won't matter, and if I fix it I'll have a backup.
