solar cells will work alright with violet pumped onto them...
but honestly the amount of power compared with the efficiency of most solar cells won't allow much energy for any mechanical output. ~200mw onto a solar cell MIGHT yield 100mw of power for a motor... which of course isn't much.
Any means of solar power (photovoltaic, liquid sodium, etc.) can feasibly also work with lasers. Light is light. However, since all solar power means are very inefficient, so too will be your process. The first photovoltaic cell result I see on ebay is less than 1% efficient.
I like the solar spinners. Sadly a google search brings up the wrong thing. how does it work? how fast does it spin? would it work without the bulb? how much energy can it absorb?
radiate heat? Do you mean, absorb heat? Or move heat? You might look at some materials with a lower specific heat. Copper for instance has a lower specific heat because it take less energy to raise one unit of copper mass by one degree. But for shining 405nm... I can't tell you. It completely depends on the absorption spectrum of the material, and its specific heat. Things that (for Hobbyists) are best found with experimentation.
Something like black-anodised aluminium absorbs nearly all of the laser light and re-emits as heat without being damaged. Essentially, anything dark-coloured will do, as long as it doesn't burn.