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FrozenGate by Avery

M462 diodes - Where did they go?

Sep 16, 2007
Does anyone know what happened to the M462 diodes? These were my favorite of the multimode blues but I didn't buy enough of them. My last one was accidentally smushed during an act of brutal negligence.
I've looked high and low but they seem to have disappeared.

If anyone has a spare or two, let me know...

They were discontinued. I remember dtr had a notification on the sale page but he must have long since removed it.
Out of curiosity, what is the cheapest >1W cyan-ish laser diode?
Eh, not hard to find the part with a quick Google search. Not like it makes it available.

FYI to anyone who looks - The alibaba seller who supposedly sells them along with every other rare diode for under $20 has brushed me off repeatedly and tried offering other diodes. I doubt they are legitimate. I'd be fine being proven wrong, but don't get your hopes up.

In the ring of sellers I deal with, all I hear is that those diodes are very rare and are only produced a few at a time, often as a custom order. The larger the run, the lower cost per diode. Basically, you need to get lucky and find someone willing to sell their excess rather than destroy them or keep them locked away on a shelf.
Eh, not hard to find the part with a quick Google search. Not like it makes it available.

FYI to anyone who looks - The alibaba seller who supposedly sells them along with every other rare diode for under $20 has brushed me off repeatedly and tried offering other diodes. I doubt they are legitimate. I'd be fine being proven wrong, but don't get your hopes up.

In the ring of sellers I deal with, all I hear is that those diodes are very rare and are only produced a few at a time, often as a custom order. The larger the run, the lower cost per diode. Basically, you need to get lucky and find someone willing to sell their excess rather than destroy them or keep them locked away on a shelf.
Yeah I've seen the alibaba sales and always ignore them.
If it was possible to track down institutions that are buying them, it may be possible to find them in surplus... eventually. The other option is to just hand over the cash.
Every now and again you do find people who dumpster dive too (or "throw them away"). There's no way some engineering samples should ever be out in the wild, ie the original 480's. Luck is a factor.

Never did try going that far to check with institutions. Surely someone out there would do it... though in the US they're supposed to destroy them or store them when finished with research.
I have a build with one in it that has a damaged diode window, I'd like to de-can it at some point
I have a build with one in it that has a damaged diode window, I'd like to de-can it at some point
Be aware that if you decan it it will die quickly when run. Blue diodes die when run exposed to air. There's a company that sells modified gball diodes that were canned in an inert environment, they may be willing to recan it for you for a reasonable price so you don't destroy it. They sell NUBM07's with a can for about $40 over what a stock diode costs, I wouldn't expect them to only charge that for a custom job but you get the idea of the ballpark. I think it's called Laser Tree on ebay.
