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Lunar eclipse shots

Dec 17, 2014
I cant post mine right now because im taking a time lapse but feel free to share yours!

It may be over, but it's also a super moon! 30% brighter and 14% bigger! So bright over here that the sky is just faintly glowing as if the sun's about to rise. I took this pic with my iPad, would ya believe that?!
What a sweet pic Gabe cant give you a rep yet. but I remember in grade school im old (52) so this was around 1970 there was an eclipse coming and they had us build these cardboard boxes witch I think we lined with alluminum foil and with a holes that we were to put are heads in. Cant remember if there was a mirror involved but the point of it was that you cant look directly at an eclipse or it would blind you. Never even came close to seeing it, couldnt even find the moon. This was at a time when we had duck an cover drills under are school desks incase there was a nuclear war:thinking:Just this morning I bumped into a nieghbor and the boxes we made in grade school were for the opposite eclipse were the moon was in front of the sun.
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Nice shot Gabe I was in my pool last night and the moon was full obscured by clouds.
Really cool lunar pics ..
Thanks guys. GSS, I did the EXACT same thing with my friends and construction teacher a couple years back, we basically made a massive pinhole camera out of plywood and poked a hole in a sheet of Al foil for the aperture. Fun stuff, worked well. Shame you didn't get to see it Rich, thankfully lunar eclipses seem to be a lot more common than solar eclipses.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide ? Next 10 years
Thanks guys. GSS, I did the EXACT same thing with my friends and construction teacher a couple years back, we basically made a massive pinhole camera out of plywood and poked a hole in a sheet of Al foil for the aperture. Fun stuff, worked well. Shame you didn't get to see it Rich, thankfully lunar eclipses seem to be a lot more common than solar eclipses.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide ? Next 10 years
Thats what I forgot the pin hole, I thought members would think im crazy mentioning the box. That must of been sweet that your project worked. This morning at around 5:30 eastern time It was cloudy but the moon looked huge, but it wasnt completely full any more, still looked good to the eye though:)
