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FrozenGate by Avery

Lumia pics

nice one laser pics... but more colors-- a vid instead of a --pic ....
and the music-- much better --more 'complete' --full effect.

+rep when sys allows
These are static pics where I find a spot on the disk that I like and then take a photo of it. Had 2 printed to put in an art show and much to my surprise one sold.
This is the latest.


Thanks for looking
Nice Lumia pics !!!

Lumia remains THE most Organic / Non-Linear / Visual Gregorian Chant coherent presentation. I still have several Lumia experiments planned....but alas....I am currently deeply involved with the Modulaser Abstract program.

Looks good. I have a battery powered one with 660, 532, 450, and 405. With cheap diodes around 488 and 520 now, I may have to add those two.
