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LPF arguments post here


Apr 28, 2015
You need to stop bumping your threads daily or every other day.
Members see right through you and your $10 hosts and no refunds or at least repairs.
Your over driving your builds, and thats a big why also. What is really the difference between 8W's and 8.8W's.
Also have a gut feeling Loredarkshade want's nothing to do to with you. You are probably bullying him and low balling him so he can use his lathe to build heat sinks for you.
I thought your ebay sales were doing great??? :unsure: :whistle: :whistle:
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I know it's none of my business, but I think that a member who has his own Ebay showcase, makes more or less continuous sales, here he can't act as if he were on Ebay, or at his home, the fact that you donated a sum to support the forum doesn't give you the right to do what you want, insisting with your hypothetical sales, this bump bump is starting to be annoying in the eyes of everyone, it almost seems like you want to sell what you have by force and quickly.
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I know it's none of my business, but I think that a member who has his own Ebay showcase, makes more or less continuous sales, here he can't act as if he were on Ebay, or at his home, the fact that you donated a sum to support the forum doesn't give you the right to do what you want, insisting with your hypothetical sales, this bump bump is starting to be annoying in the eyes of everyone, it almost seems like you want to sell what you have by force and quickly.

First off, I no longer sell on eBay due to the high costs of the fees, go ahead and check, it’s been over 2 months since I took my items off of eBay.

And I only have a handful of lasers at the moment, that I’m trying to sell to fund a new project. A lot of other members in the past have posted much more than me at once. I posted up 3 lasers and all the sudden your butt hurt ?
I know it's none of my business, but I think that a member who has his own Ebay showcase, makes more or less continuous sales, here he can't act as if he were on Ebay, or at his home, the fact that you donated a sum to support the forum doesn't give you the right to do what you want, insisting with your hypothetical sales, this bump bump is starting to be annoying in the eyes of everyone, it almost seems like you want to sell what you have by force and quickly.
And what does it matter if I want to sell my remaining laser quickly? I am trying to sell them for cheaper than I normally would so I can get rid of them quickly.. anyone who ends up buying one, will get a great deal. And you’re taking what I’ve said in other threads and applying it to this one, which is taking what I’ve said before, far out of context..

Im focusing more on higher powered handhelds, my current project is a 30W handheld utilizing the NuBB23 diode array.

I’m still confused as to why it would matter, even if I had items posted up on eBay, that it bothers you so much that I’ve posted a few lasers and priced to sell quickly? You don’t have to click on the thread lol and idk how you could say I’m trying to sell them by force? lol maybe if I was DMing people with my sales info, but I’m not and never have unless it’s in reply to them asking first..

You probably have something else that pissed you off, none of what you said makes any sense, and I’m not doing anything wrong.. it’s a FOR SALE thread, and an online forum.. chill dude
You need to stop bumping your threads daily or every other day.
Members see right through you and your $10 hosts and no refunds or at least repairs.
Your over driving your builds, and thats a big why also. What is really the difference between 8W's and 8.8W's.
Also have a gut feeling Loredarkshade want's nothing to do to with you. You are probably bullying him and low balling him so he can use his lathe to build heat sinks for you.
I thought your ebay sales were doing great??? :unsure: :whistle: :whistle:
Man, bumped it on Sunday, and again today.. 3 days apart..

Man, you’re too funny man.. bullying him? lol ok.. when did I say no refunds or no repairs ? lol 😂 I’ve told anyone I’ve sold my lasers too, to contact me with any issues and I’ll repair them at costs if they damaged it, or if it failed without any damages from them, it’s free, they just have to pay the shipping.. idk where you get your info from..

lol why is me posting a 1.5W red laser hurting everyone’s feelings ?
You need to stop bumping your threads daily or every other day.
Members see right through you and your $10 hosts and no refunds or at least repairs.
Your over driving your builds, and thats a big why also. What is really the difference between 8W's and 8.8W's.
Also have a gut feeling Loredarkshade want's nothing to do to with you. You are probably bullying him and low balling him so he can use his lathe to build heat sinks for you.
I thought your ebay sales were doing great??? :unsure: :whistle: :whistle:
I actually waited 4 days since my last bump.. first bump was on Sunday, and then today, Thursday.

Loredarkshade/Jim is my partner in regards to a project we are working on. I doubt he wants nothing to do with me, as you have no idea of the conversations and business dealings we have.

And when did I say, “my eBay sales are doing great”? Lol

I stopped selling on eBay due to the high fees from them. Nearly 30% of my earnings.

And I doubt anyone on this forum can make a living by exclusively selling lasers.. even making a full $100 net profit, one would need to sell 35-40 lasers a month to make $3500-$4000.. I never claimed to be making a living from selling my lasers.

And Convoy hosts aren’t $10, and they’re a very high quality product. Idk how you can talk shit about convoy hosts.. but ok.

But really man, just stay out of my threads please. You have nothing good to say, I’m not doing anything wrong. Just stop. Maybe you have some type of weird crush on me, I’m flattered really, but I’m not interested.
You posted the sale on Saturday and bumped on Sunday and then threw a in diode chart post which was just a bump ploy which you do alot.
4 times in a week is alot.
Just to mention it was YOU who chimed in and called me a Karen of sorts which words don't bother me none anyways on someone else's thread when he mentioned he continued pointing a laser at a moving craft in the sky and I posted its not a good thing and brings a bad image to this forum.

It was all talked out and good with the OP yet you still had to chime in with a whine post.

You are the bully who has attacked many members threads but blaming me for it.. Wow do you sure have a selective memory?:whistle:
What did you say?? Your a Master of three different building senario's?? Yeah right.
You attacked Alien Laser about his power claims yet you use that cheap TOY pocket meter and put the laser tip right up to the sensor which you still haven't mentioned why when I asked a few times.
Right away as a rookie here you started blasting people " which shows no respect" and their builds and think and brag that your all that.
Member Farbe schooled you :ROFLMAO: on how TEC sinks work but you still fight his every word.
You called Sanwu Lasers junk??? Their shippers forgot more about lasers than you know..

Yes ebay has alot of fees and I get not selling there. I don't understand why you charged way less on ebay, "I have a feeling why though"
You don't think your attitude maby keeps members from buying your builds?? Which aren't priced to bad now..
Oh yes those M21A hosts can be had for $10 and less. Many places have been linked. Ali Express and Bangood are a few and since those hosts are the majority of your builds buying bulk there is even probably cheaper.

We have a member here who built some great builds and custom heat sinks and hosts and would press copper sinks into the bigger aluminum sinks with copper dust mixed into the the thermal paste.
If you weren't "you" there might of been partnership between the 2 of you.
I'm done, I have said my say and good luck with your sales.


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I read your answers @Amak87 and I feel like telling you just one thing, have more respect for this forum and especially for the members who compose it, I personally am not interested in your threats, your pointers and your business with your partner.
You posted the sale on Saturday and bumped on Sunday and then threw a in diode chart post which was just a bump ploy which you do alot.
4 times in a week is alot.
Just to mention it was YOU who chimed in and called me a Karen of sorts which words don't bother me none anyways on someone else's thread when he mentioned he continued pointing a laser at a moving craft in the sky and I posted its not a good thing and brings a bad image to this forum.

It was all talked out and good with the OP yet you still had to chime in with a whine post.

You are the bully who has attacked many members threads but blaming me for it.. Wow do you sure have a selective memory?:whistle:
What did you say?? Your a Master of three different building senario's?? Yeah right.
You attacked Alien Laser about his power claims yet you use that cheap TOY pocket meter and put the laser tip right up to the sensor which you still haven't mentioned why when I asked a few times.
Right away as a rookie here you started blasting people " which shows no respect" and their builds and think and brag that your all that.
Member Farbe schooled you :ROFLMAO: on how TEC sinks work but you still fight his every word.

Yes ebay has alot of fees and I get not selling there. I don't understand why you charged way less on ebay, "I have a feeling why though"
You don't think your attitude maby keeps members from buying your builds?? Which aren't priced to bad now..
Oh yes those M21A hosts can be had for $10 and less. Many places have been linked. Ali Express is one and since those hosts are the majority of your builds buying bulk there is even probably cheaper.

We have a member here who built some great builds and custom heat sinks and hosts and would press copper sinks into the bigger aluminum sinks with copper dust mixed into the the thermal paste.
If you weren't "you" there might of been partnership between the 2 of you.
I'm done, I have said my say and good luck with your sales.
my post of the charts was actually in reply to coollaser asking about the beam details/pictures. It’s a FOR SALE forum, if I make another post in reply to someone asking questions, thats not a bump, it’s a reply.

I’ve never claimed my lasers to be better than anyone else’s on this forum. I’ve only listed details as to why my lasers are efficient if anything. Larger heatsinks will keep diode temperatures lower and optical output higher, period. That’s why I use Jlasers extended aluminum heatsinks.

And I didn’t charge “way less” on eBay. My first month selling on eBay, I did price them slightly lower, 7W blue lasers in the $220-$250 range, to get more sold and get established, which is a technique that a lot of people and companies use. After I sold 10-12 units, then I brought my pricing up, sometimes dropping them down for temporary sales.

Building/selling lasers is really just a hobby and a side gig for me, but I have plans for a new line of handhelds, which is why I’m selling my remaining stock. I’d rather not spend additional cash on new products, so I posted up some of my assembled lasers on here to fund my 30W and 60W NUBB** line.

I won’t be using the M21A anymore unless I get a request, my 8W HPLs will be getting a new Convoy host. From a newly created Business standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to release new products when there’s remaining inventory of a precious product. I’ve just found a more appropriate host for my product model.

To elaborate on the copper dust comment:
Adding copper dust to thermal paste isn’t really going to improve performance, kinda defeats the whole purpose of the paste to begin, with by adding metallic dust- which is why no thermal paste manufacturers follow this ideal…

And by pressing the copper core into the aluminum heatsink, will just push 99.99% of the thermal grease out of the contact area. pressing the copper into the aluminum isn’t something he invented.. plenty of CPU heatsinks out there with that same thing.. there’s a reason that machinists don’t use any type of grease or anything when pressing metals into other metals, the pressing process defeats the need for thermal paste and if tolerances are proper, isn’t needed whatsoever. Using any type of thermal paste/material for pressing metal within a metal housing, isn’t standard practice for any type of application, period. Only the use of oil/lubricants to ensure the metal isn’t damaged during the pressing process would be the only reason to apply a viscous product. It’s a cool idea, but not going to make any type of measurable difference in heat transfer, ESPECIALLY if that thermal paste has copper dust, that’s a guaranteed way to decrease the heat transfer effect for that method..

And for measuring laser outputs with my mini 10W Sanwu LPM, it performs just fine for what I’m using it for. I placed it close to keep the laser stable while taking a picture, and to get a clear picture. The measurements at 20CM or 5mm, are identical within less than 1%. The biggest variable that will influence the outcome, is how the laser beam is focused.

Anyway, this back and forth stuff is pretty pointless, please, let’s keep this FS thread, a FS thread. If you have something to comment on that’s relevant to the FS item, then ok. But everything you’ve said so far, has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

If you had done the testing, you would know that the LPM measurements aren’t effected by 8” of distance difference..
We have a section called the fightclub for this kind of thing.
when and where !? lol yeah it’s a FS thread, can you clean it up? Either way I don’t care, I’m a legit seller, offering a great product at lower prices. I’m just trying to get rid of my current stock lasers for upcoming projects.
This will be for arguments between members and arguments that will be moved from the main forum into here from those who insist on bickering.
Ok. Thanks for removing the comments from my FS thread. But I’m not going to continue in this pointless discussion thread.
