the use is in acupuncture, acupoints are small areas of the body, in this tradition before electricity the acupuncturist in China use heat with "moxibustion" -search the word in the web- or heat the acupuncture needles, I heat the needles with halogen lamps, with cigarette lighter, hair dryer, but I don't like smoke in my office not either have time to stay with the dryer, so I use laser to provide energy, the indicatios are the same like "moxibustion", this can substitute heat, in my experience has worth, is easy and fast, for example the acupuncturist can provide 1 J in 10 seconds (100 mW x 10 sec) for acupoint
how I explain?? if you stimulate the acupoints with laser is very specific and precise the stimulation, if you put a lamp is very wide and don't penetrate, may be the LEDS are cheap option but are less studied, but you are righ, I am searching
1) cheap options to expensive medical lasers
2) fast stimulation options
3) acupuncture needles substitutes ---this only to the stimulation modalities of puncture with needles, the needle is very versatile and isn't replaced with lasers of any wavelenght
4) this kind of laser use is for professionals in acupuncture or rehabilitation/physical medicine ---of course with professional preparation---
5) about 4) I am professional in health but may be you members know better the technical details of light and devices and I know better the effect in clinical ground
5) we are in 21 century, we should evolve and....the health professionals and the patients like technology, trust me, we the MDs use more dangerous devices and thecnologies and drugs...the point is we prepare to use this ---this is nothing if use with appropiate caution