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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for the laserglow Rigel 593.5 mn (Amber) 5w that laseglow used to sell and the Hydra 470 nm (Blue) 5mw


Feb 12, 2007
Anybody have a 5mw rigel 593.5mn (amber) or 5mw hydra 470nm (Blue) for sale ? im not sure if laserglow is still selling the hydra as they responded to me they only sell red and green laser pointers ?

ps.what happened that they stop making yellow and blue laser pointers ?

I contacted LaserGlow a couple months ago about getting the same two lasers and they are no longer stocking them, too much bad publicity with the OE manufacturer of those laser pointers. All the usual resellers of those pointers like LaserGlow, DragonLasers, TechLasers ect no longer stock them. They occasionally come up for sale here in the BST section, just keep a look out for them.

If you want to build them you can still get the 473nm module and newer 589nm module from DragonLasers.
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They must be high for the prices they charge for red green and blue lasers. Yellow I get but the rest are you kidding. How do you charge over 1k for a diode that costs 50.00. Nice case and driver but still
I have both, and I might be able to be coaxed out of them if the price was right, but that's an expensive pair of lasers! they were 4-500 dollars each.
