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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for green laser

Oct 25, 2011

I am looking for a green laser.
I am doing this for a friend who is just getting into lasers.
He is looking for a small one that would easily fit into his pocket and not a massive laser like the Spyder on PGL III C.
And possibly with a cap that would prevent huge amount of dust to go on the lens. Simply put, not with the lens sticking out and easily vulnerable to the outer world like how usually aixiz modules in DIY lasers. Get what I mean?

The power would be up to say 300mW, depending on the price.
New in condition, or slightly used.

Post your offers.

Thanks for the help.

It might help if you can give us your budget. There's a wide variety of lasers and what your asking for is probably going to be >175$. You are going to get dust on your laser lens if you carry it in your pocket. We do have dust caps :).
Budget is $220 max.
I meant power up to 300mW, not MORE (which would be more and more out of budget).
Meaning in the 0-300mW range but more likely not less than 50mW since it has to be bright.
Check out Lazerer. They have many many green lasers that come under your specification, dont know about the dust caps though, although it cant be too hard to attach one. I can vouch for them, dealed with them before and been satisfied.
However, for me the site is down at the moment, dont know if its the same for everyone, probably just my crappy internet.
