From FDA web site:
"FDA regulates all laser products, even handheld, battery-powered lasers that are available for purchase FROM manufacturers, importers, assemblers, dealers or distributors in the United States and its territories. This includes lasers manufactured or obtained on a continuing basis for the purpose of sale or resale.
FDA requires that manufacturers of these lasers limit the power of the laser light to 5 milliWatts (often abbreviated as "mW") or less. The labeling or packaging must allow the purchaser to know the power of the laser, its hazard class, and its wavelength before the laser is purchased. Even online advertisements must display this information for the purchaser.
Even the smallest handheld, battery-powered lasers are capable of emitting laser light at hazardous powers. Larger models, the size of a small flashlight, can burn skin and pop balloons. More importantly, consumers should assume any size handheld battery-powered laser they do not directly control has the potential to blind or permanently affect eyesight.
One way to determine if such a laser has been manufactured to regulatory power and hazard class limits is to find labeling. The labeling that comes with the laser (and online labeling) must display the power, hazard class, and wavelength. The wavelength is a number that describes the color of the beam.
The label must display the laser power. It must be 5 milliWatts or less. The label must display the hazard class. It must be Class I, Class IIa, Class II, Class IIIa or Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3R."
Survival Lasers used to sell diodes, complete kits, and fully assembled lasers in the USA. THe FDA put and end to it. All you Survival Lasers can do in USA now is sell everything but the diodes so he is not seen as selling complete lasers or kits for same.
As the owner of Survival Lasers said in post #13 here:
"you wouldn't think it was so stupid if you received a series of letters from the FDA (that's the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency charged by Congress with the regulation of "radiation producing" products like lasers, among other things) threatening to fine you and/or shut you down if you didn't comply with their policy of selective interpretation and enforcement of their regulations.
Do you seriously think I would of my own free will turn down sales from my fellow citizens??
The SL USA site was specifically constructed after a number of exchanges with the FDA about what they would and would not consider violations of their regulations. We also racked up significant legal fees during this process.
The reason others here are still selling is that they are not yet on the FDA's radar, or are not selling a combination of parts that could be construed as "lasers" or "laser products" as the FDA defines them. If they continue long enough, or become visible enough, I'm sure they will be contacted as well.
If you are unhappy with this policy, I would recommend you contact the FDA and express your concern and opinion about their regulations and enforcement practices. We appreciate all the support we can get and we would love to be able to resume shipping all of our products to US customers. "
As a result of FDA laws, rules, and regulations all you will find is one group of people selling hosts and not diodes and another group selling just diode, drivers, other parts not including hosts.