Taz493--First off you you violated LPF rules with your first posts, posting in Buy, Sell, and Trade.
The subforum clearly says under the Title : "Buy, Sell, and Trade' --"Buy, sell, and trade lasers and/or laser pointers. Minimum 20 laser related posts required before thread creation."
Whatever your past circumstances, fortunate or unfortunate, may be they have nothing to do with laser hazards, laser safety and safe laser use nor the price of lasers.
You have not given any information about your husbands lost laser---nothing about output power or wavelength/color---nothing of any use in evaluating a new laser other than "burning something", whatever that means,from 15-20 feet away.
Doubt if anything for $100 or less is going to do that unless you mean by "burning something" you mean pop a balloon or maybe ingnite a match head. Good quality laser glasses/goggles alone cost about half of your budget of $100 so...
Maybe ask him about what he might like or want before wasting money on something would he would not be happy with.
Am reasonably sure you have other higher economic priorities than a laser if you had to move and lost everything in storage.
FYI: A laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is produced by the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles). A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature. "Heat" can be caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy. So " burning something means something that will absorb enough energy from a laser beam hitting it to burn it.
You can make a good start by buying a good quality Eagle Pair of laser goggles/glasses for $40 to$50 here:
You can buy high quality lasers from the following reliable manufacturers at reasonable prices--have a look at JetLasers here:
https://www.jetlasers.org/index.php and/or from Sanwu Lasers here:
You can PM custom host maker LPF member Lifetime17 and ask what he can do for about $100--see his much better quality than any Chinese reseller bandit web site has to offer here:
See best laser safety web site here:
See also what permanent eye damage on member suffered in less than 1 second from his 1000mW /1W blue laser here: