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FrozenGate by Avery

Looked at 1000mw 445nm blue laser pointed at the wall


New member
Dec 7, 2020
So being an idiot, i bought a laser, pointed it at the wall like 2-3 meters away, was very bright and had a slight yellowy ghosty spot in the eye for a couple minutes then went away,

im just wondering, since i didnt directly
Point it in my eye, should i be worried and see a doctor asap?

laser is 1000mw 445nm blue, class ivb

bought from wish.com

I wish i did my research.

Sorry you'll be totally blind in the next few days. Sorry. It's permanent. It's also airborne so anyone you're nearby will suffer permanent blindness too.
😂... in all seriousness though, iv been reading about class ivb lasers and apparently if rven look at the pointer when its not even directly pointed in eye, it’s enough to cause damage? Or did i read it wrong. My eye does feel abit funny, like slight pain, or am i being paranoid now? Anyways im going to grab a hammer and smash the laser up so nobody gets hurt or injured by it.
Nobody on LPF nows actually what you did or didn't do or with what laser much lees what you did or didn't do to your eye or eyes as a result of using it--- if you have any concerns about your eye or eyes go see a qualified Board Certified MD Ophthalmologist ASAP
Here is what happen to one member with a 1W 445nm laser in less than 1 second: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/hit-in-eye-with-1000mw-445nm-blue-laser.69469/



"If you think you need medical help or attention for an eye injury or any other medical problem, you probably do."
"If you have been hit in the eye with a laser and/or feel you have suffered any type of eye injury as the result of an accident with a laser that may need medical opinion or treatment,
go to a hospital Emergency Room and/or consult a qualified Board Certified MD Ophthalmologist ASAP.
LPF is a laser hobbyist website, not physicians, and cannot give any medical or legal advice.
No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF"

For additional information see laserpointersafety.com here:
Laser Pointer Safety - What to do if you are hit by a laser pointer or laser pen
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"If you think you need medical help or attention for an eye injury or any other medical problem, you probably do."
"If you have been hit in the eye with a laser and feel you have suffered any type of eye injury as the result of an accident with a laser that may need medical opinion or treatment,
go to a hospital Emergency Room and/or consult a qualified Board Certified MD Ophthalmologist ASAP.
LPF is a laser hobbyist website, not physicians, and cannot give any medical or legal advice.
No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF"​
Cheers, but i just want to know if 1000mw 445nm laser will damage the eyes even if you look at the pointer
Cheers, but i just want to know if 1000mw 445nm laser will damage the eyes even if you look at the pointer
Im going to see a doctor now, but just wanted some opinions, this being a laser forum and members having the same experiences or close, i thought id ask to see if anyone has any knowledge about 1w 445nm lasers,

all i want to know is, is looking at the 1w, 445nm, blue laser pointed to a wall 2-3m away still considered dangerous? Thats all i want to know.
Well it depends on the person looking at it. We aren't qualified to give you an answer which is why we suggest to seek professional opinion if you feel you are in need of it. So definitely follow encaps information that he provided. Sound good? Hope you are ok
Depends upon to many variables to determne yes or no on an internet forum.

Better safe than sorry----getting it checked by an eye specialist MD is the best idea if you have any concerns about your eyes or eyesight.

Good luck.

PS Buy a good quaity pair of laser goggles to avoid such a predicament in the future. These are low cost relatively and very fit for the purpose of protecting your eyes: https://www.survivallaser.com/Safety_Goggles/cat556089_826120.aspx
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Thanks guys, got my eyes checked, everything seems fine, doctor said i was paranoid, well this was a lesson to me,
Hope no-one ever gets a laser in the eye ever.. eyesight is too precious.
😂... in all seriousness though, iv been reading about class ivb lasers and apparently if rven look at the pointer when its not even directly pointed in eye, it’s enough to cause damage? Or did i read it wrong. My eye does feel abit funny, like slight pain, or am i being paranoid now? Anyways im going to grab a hammer and smash the laser up so nobody gets hurt or injured by it.
I've looked a many pointers and not once have I had any problem. That may be do to the pointers not being turned on at the time I looked at them. As for your paranoia that's not possible. You see, paranoia only occurs when one thinks other people are talking about one's self or plotting against one's self. If anything, you might suffer a smidgen of hypochondria or perhaps be prone to the dramatic.
That being said, i will smash this laser up, so it doesnt end up in the wrong hands or someone causing an injury to them selves or others.
Thanks guys, got my eyes checked, everything seems fine, doctor said i was paranoid, well this was a lesson to me,
Hope no-one ever gets a laser in the eye ever.. eyesight is too precious.
You saw a doctor already? How is that possible?
That being said, i will smash this laser up, so it doesnt end up in the wrong hands or someone causing an injury to them selves or others.
Smash the laser up? Why destroy it?
You saw a doctor already? How is that possible?

Smash the laser up? Why destroy it?
Yeah, saw a doctor already, where i live is a medical centre nearby, hardly much people there today so the doctor got me in quick.
That was insanely fast... well any rate there's nothing wrong with the laser
I've looked a many pointers and not once have I had any problem. That may be do to the pointers not being turned on at the time I looked at them. As for your paranoia that's not possible. You see, paranoia only occurs when one thinks other people are talking about one's self or plotting against one's self. If anything, you might suffer a smidgen of hypochondria or perhaps be prone to the dramatic.

true, i may have hypochondria,

not sure if i worded it correctly, i didnt look directly into the laser, but looked at the laser when it was pointed to the wall, which was bery bright, i thought it might have caused damage to my eye.
I probably shouldn't say this but personally I've seen over 2 watts of 445 on a white wall and nothing has happened to me. It's those reflections you gotta worry about. Accidents happen when you don't expect them. It's why they're accidents. So always keep that in mind when you turn it on.
