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Logo idea

Jan 8, 2008
Instead of the line and dot going over Laser Pointer Forums on the logo, how about the line comes out of the L underlining the logo with a dot at the end?

The user that made this logo hasn't been here in a while IIRC so we can't ask him to modify it, but if we did this logo change wouldn't it look too much like WLs logo?
Not just that, it would look like almost every other laser logo out there.

They have 'Laser' and a line coming from the bottom of the 'L' in laser across to a dot, very commonly used.
It shouldn't be that hard finding a better logo for this site. Anyone who's good at photoshop could easily make an awesome logo.
Personally, I think the logo now is fine, and if we did the L with a laser coming from it, it will look too much like wicked's design.

however, if somebody does want to try and make a better logo, I can't really complain about it before they make the design, and who knows, maybe I'll (and everybody else, its not my decisions lol) like it!

Done in 10 minutes L0L

New version
Ha ha, lol at that ^ !

I'm not sure that is appropriate though, since we are serious forums for laser discussion (mostly) :)
I like the logo the way it is. I photoshopped it up to make a vertical banner for my site to link back here :)


I'm pretty good w/ PS and could make a new one if anyone has some better ideas than having the line come out the L...
me too, but i like it the way it is


and the shoop da woop should say

shooping da woop since OVER 9000

or 100 years ago :)
very nice logos! LPF may need a new logo if i decide to upgrade to yabb 2.2.3 , since the default LPF layout , dark_shadows, doesn't work in the new version of yabb. the new yabb layout is a lot cleaner though.

I LOVE THE LAYOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T CHANGE IT!!

PS: i really like it because: A. It makes it easy to read. / B. it's easy on my eyes!
unfortunately upgrading to the new version of yabb would mean this layout would be lost=(

the default layout for yabb can be seen here:

note: im not sure im going to upgrade, but i am considering it
c0ldshadow said:
unfortunately upgrading to the new version of yabb would mean this layout would be lost=(

the default layout for yabb can be seen here:

note: im not sure im going to upgrade, but i am considering it
I personally like that layout, everything seems smoother and easier on the eyes. I'm sure there is a template that looks like the "dark shadows" template here that would go along with the new upgrade.
I am considering doing an upgrade to yabb 2.2.3 later on. the best logo i have right now for a white background is:


if any of you all are bored feel free to go ahead and try making logos for the new white background

if the upgrade doesn't go well i will be reverting back to yabb 2.1, but based on my testing it should work
Sorry Cold, but that logo literally hurt my eyes when I saw it - no joke. I suck at all that picture editing/making stuff so that's not my offer to redesign it; just my annoying, lazy criticism  :P.

And for more of my lazy complaining:
If anyone is planning on making a new logo, I'd personally suggest a more professional look. Of course we're not talking anything too classy here, this is LPF afterall and we can't pull THAT one off! haha. Making the forum look a little more professional though would suit it well, and improve our image among different types of laser hobbyists that LPF would be lucky to have. I've always though laserglow's new logo was one of the best I've seen as for as logos in our hobby go. Its simple, clean, professional, and still gets the cop-out 'laser beam' motif in via a more subtle and impressive way.
yeah , i agree that logo could be much more professional but it is a good start for a temporary logo i think, since i don't have anything else yet

i'm not very gifted with graphics but im going to ask one of my friends to create a logo

i will likely be doing the upgrade within the next 6 hours and be up most of the night fixing any problems if there are any, and tweaking settings.
