Is locking several boards something worth considering? Maybe :-/ even to go so far as to lock all but "Welcome" "General" "Companies" "Reviews" and "Safety" to all but members. But that might make this more like a laser club than a laser forum. Anyone have other thoughts on it? especially the one who counts, C0ld as it's your forum, where do you see/want LPF going in the future? I'm sure you have some great dreams of where we'll end up. Are they anything you would like to share?
I almost didn't post this as I love this place, and didn't want it to sound at all like I was complaining. I've never even seen another forum as great as this one, and as they say "If it ain't broke, why fix it?" But as I was reading Things' post regarding forum discounts, it made me curious as to what your thoughts are for the future of LFP.
I almost didn't post this as I love this place, and didn't want it to sound at all like I was complaining. I've never even seen another forum as great as this one, and as they say "If it ain't broke, why fix it?" But as I was reading Things' post regarding forum discounts, it made me curious as to what your thoughts are for the future of LFP.