View attachment 40553
I forgot I removed the capacitor thinking it had something to do with the current jumping.

That heatsink is too small (the one on the LM317) the LM317 can handle on its own only 0.25W of power but whit proper heatsink can go up high to 1.5A (heavy duty 3x3x4cm heatsink and overflow of air forced by a cooling fan).
When the laser is first powered on, it is at 1.05A for about a half of a second then drops to about 300-350mA. After about 15 seconds, it jumps back up to about 600mA. It is also pulsing. You can only tell it is pulsing by quickly moving it around. As in it looks like the laser is jumping and not fluid lines.
the LM317 IC has an internal shutdown sistem that is trigered when it reaches about 125,4°c then when the temperature less than 125,4°c it goes up again delivering full power until reaches again 125,4°c and shutoff and then over and over again, in the datasheet of the semiconductor you can find these usefull information that you can use at your advantage knowing the tipe of LM317
LM117 −55°C ≤ TJ ≤ +150°C
LM317A −40°C ≤ TJ ≤ +125°C
LM317-N 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ +125°C
Thermal Limit Burn-In All Devices 100%
hope that this will help you
@DTR since my first baby died for overheating diode( :banghead: my mistake since i forgot it on for about the entire is a cheap chineese laser pointer) searching online for diodes i found this

strange ebayer guy

that sell's M140 for less than 100$ :drool: and has all 3489 feedback's positive

so now, the next diode i will buy in the future is one of yours (waiting for payout from the boss) , the question is, since my option is a M140 diode in copper aixis module whith 3 element glass lenses, can i power the diode in the aixis module without a heatsink/host for couple of minutes at 330mA and 610mA whitout damaging the diode?
my second question is, the 3 element glass lens are coated for the 445nm or is a bare 3 element lens?
thank you very much and to all please excuse my very bad english