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FrozenGate by Avery

Leaving Batteries In Laser?

Sep 28, 2007
Is it ok to leave batteries in my laser?

I have noticed that when I put in the AAA batteries brand new the laser has instant burning power but if I leave the batteries in there for a few hours it doesnt seam to burn as much. I am beginning to think that the slots for spare batteries are not for spares after all.

I leave mine in all the time. But I am using Eneloops. I don't like alkaline batteries..I have had too many leak on me, but have never had a rechargeable or lithium leak.
i would say if you dont plan on using your laser for a long time, keep the batteries out, otherwise just leave them in.
the driver will always use power even if you are not using the laser, but this current is usually very low, but still could result in different brightnesses.
things said:
the driver will always use power even if you are not using the laser, but this current is usually very low, but still could result in different brightnesses.

This is not true with my Nova. It doesn't draw even a micro amp... ;D I measured using the milliamp scale of my meter, and also out of curiosity using the micro volt scale...nothing.
If you leave the batts in your laser, you are taking a chance that you will permanently compress the spring past its springiness factor (highly technical term !) which plainly put means you will wear out the spring ! If the spring gets compressed too much, you will have to either stretch it back out, and risk damaging the internals in the process, or you will have to start adding in things like little magnets, or tinfoil to keep enough tension on the spring to make a good contact. I always take th batts out of mine if I do not plan on using them !
As far as springyness is concerned I'd have to say that small amounts of usage and removing the batteries would be optimum. However if your usin the piss outta them the compression and decompression of the spring multiple times will end up causing more damage than just leaving the batteries in teh laser. Now nobody I know is going to take the batteries out and put them back in hundreds of times a day so this shouldn't be an issue.
