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LDI laser show this weekend. Guinness world record.

Wow! That's got to be something to see in real life. It was great on video, so I can only imagine! Had a few of my lasers all fired at the same time and it's pretty awesome, times that by a hundred. Just awesome. :)
Eh, it's cool, but there's too much going on if you ask me. Too busy.
Laser soup... they had a decent amount of it choreographed... but a lot was kinda slop. I also heard they did this show without even one rehersal!!
Took a look---I agree is way too busy --the music is horrible and annoying---really looks like "gee I bought a lot of lights and related equipment and don't know what to do with them"-- mostly the content as whole is poor, too frenetic, and not interesting. Is OK as a lights blast for a few seconds but that's it .
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Yeah, it was big, but no theme that I could discern. It looked like a bunch of lasers firing for no effect but to say it was big. I've been more impressed with laser shows at concerts back in the 70s.
Golly gee, why do people feel the need to express negative comments instead of just keeping their mouths shut I'd like to know. Did it occur to you that your comments just may detract from the viewing pleasure of others? Evidently not.
Golly gee, why do people feel the need to express negative comments instead of just keeping their mouths shut I'd like to know. Did it occur to you that your comments just may detract from the viewing pleasure of others? Evidently not.

Is a bit much to put up that type of video and expect no comments + or -

Maybe could have put it up and asked the mods to close it immediately so no comments were possible.

You have to expect people will express comments if they take the time to look at a video which is the only content of a thread--no?
No comment would be usual.

As to why post not glowing wonderful comments?
Why not if it is an honest opinion?

If it was a Kindergarten class maybe but LPF is 18 and over adults and everyone has their own mind and take on any video--to express that, is what LPF is about usually.

Doubt it interferes with or detracts ---skews comments any more than positive comments.

Who knows--could be, but what anyone has to say would not change anything for me.
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why do people feel the need to express negative comments

Excuse me. Are you new to this internet thing? Also, do you expect everyone to have the same tastes as you?

Try to think for a moment what the world would be like if everyone that held a different opinion from yours was silenced. Because that's what you appear to be advocating here.

Did it occur to you that your comments just may detract from the viewing pleasure of others?


Are you telling me all it takes to ruin a video is negative comments from strangers on the internet?
I'd sure like to see the power requirement for all those lasers. One heck of a show. Bet they could have powered a small New England town in the winter. :crackup:
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I was thinking " More " just like the guy said at the end. :)
Think the light show was fantastic. Not a fan of the music ( old guy, not my style ) but I'm guessing that everyone there enjoyed the heck out of it. "More" yep next time 600 lasers, and I want to be on a mountain overlooking the show. Wonder if we can get some drone footage? :)
I'd sure like to see the power requirement for all those lasers. One heck of a show. Bet they could have powered a small New England town in the winter. :crackup:

They're solid state, so maybe 100W input power per projector. <30kw total is my guess, which is at most a few homes worth of power, not a town.

The lasers at the grand coulee dam light show for comparison are four sabre ion lasers at 55kw each. That's a couple blocks of houses, but still not a town
The lasers at the grand coulee dam light show for comparison are four sabre ion lasers at 55kw each. That's a couple blocks of houses, but still not a town

Are they still running sabres there? I seem to recall mention of them either removing the lasers entirely or moving to solid state.

There's a picture of that setup while it was running out there on the internet somewhere. I recall seeing it on PL years back.

What was it they ran 4 sabres? Two Ar heads (30W each) and two Kr heads (12W each), one of each in a pair.

Edit: Yup, 4 sabres.

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I seem to recall mention of them either removing the lasers entirely or moving to solid state.

According to their website, they're still running. Or specifically, they'll resume memorial day after their yearly winter break.

Why would you move to solid state when you have all that free hydroelectric juice just meters away? Even if you had to pay, 200kW for 30 minutes is only $8 per show in electrical costs (assuming industrial rate of 8¢/kWh)
According to their website, they're still running. Or specifically, they'll resume memorial day after their yearly winter break.

Why would you move to solid state when you have all that free hydroelectric juice just meters away? Even if you had to pay, 200kW for 30 minutes is only $8 per show in electrical costs (assuming industrial rate of 8¢/kWh)

Cool, would be cool to see them in person.

I was thinking more about the maintenance than the power consumption. A few modern solid state RGB projectors making the same amount of power would be far less maintenance intensive.
