I've bought that laser, a moment ago in fact it is a 500mw but was rated at 602mw by lazerer.
It's a great burner, it burns white paper instantly, even white car paints.
The beam is clearly visible when it's dark.
However it is only great when focused and the beam thickness is terrible....
It wouldn't even ignite a match at 10cm when it is focused to infinity.
The beam is like 4-5 mm thick... And I do not talk about divergence it's not very good. But it seems that the lens has a little bump in the center. If you aim a wall and look at the spot with google, I can see a dark spot in the center of it. And there are many circles around the spot, even at 4 meter away. I think all of this can be caused by this bump...
The other complain I have is that focusing to infinity might not be achieved like on my other laser, because of the host.... In fact I can't turn the lens any further when it's arround infinity, and I can't adjust it like I'd like to try.
Maybe it could be better ajusted if I could turn the lense a bit more.
In comparison, my O-like 200mw power rock greenie burns better when focused to infinity, because it's beam is so thin... something like 1.5 mm
It points much better on the distance but of course I didn't buy the 405nm for long distance pointing, as our eyes aren't very sensitive to these shorter wave lenghts.
To sum up I find O-like host to be much much better than my lazerer rifle host..
But I'm wondering may be my laser has a problem ? (especially the little bump on the lense.... it looks like it had been turn on for too long and that the center of the lense melt down a bit, but this is definitely not because of me, I've never kept it on longer than 30 seconds and I noticed the black hole on the spot (probably caused by the lense bump) the day I received it.
The laser also didn't look 100% new, though it was in great condition.
Have you ever experienced such problems ?
Is the beam thickness normal ?
Is the lense bump normal ?
Is the dark spot of the laser spot is normal ?
Are the circles surrounding the spot normal as well ?
Is it normal that I can't adjust the lense very well ? it locks near infinity...
Can I replace the host easily ? Or only the bumped lense head part ?
Can I easily make the beam thiner ? Like my o-like which is arround 1.5mm thick.
Thanks in advance.
I've bought that laser, a moment ago in fact it is a 500mw but was rated at 602mw by lazerer.
It's a great burner, it burns white paper instantly, even white car paints.
The beam is clearly visible when it's dark.
However it is only great when focused and the beam thickness is terrible....
It wouldn't even ignite a match at 10cm when it is focused to infinity.
The beam is like 4-5 mm thick... And I do not talk about divergence it's not very good. But it seems that the lens has a little bump in the center. If you aim a wall and look at the spot with google, I can see a dark spot in the center of it. And there are many circles around the spot, even at 4 meter away. I think all of this can be caused by this bump...
The other complain I have is that focusing to infinity might not be achieved like on my other laser, because of the host.... In fact I can't turn the lens any further when it's arround infinity, and I can't adjust it like I'd like to try.
Maybe it could be better ajusted if I could turn the lense a bit more.
In comparison, my O-like 200mw power rock greenie burns better when focused to infinity, because it's beam is so thin... something like 1.5 mm
It points much better on the distance but of course I didn't buy the 405nm for long distance pointing, as our eyes aren't very sensitive to these shorter wave lenghts.
To sum up I find O-like host to be much much better than my lazerer rifle host..
But I'm wondering may be my laser has a problem ? (especially the little bump on the lense.... it looks like it had been turn on for too long and that the center of the lense melt down a bit, but this is definitely not because of me, I've never kept it on longer than 30 seconds and I noticed the black hole on the spot (probably caused by the lense bump) the day I received it.
The laser also didn't look 100% new, though it was in great condition.
Have you ever experienced such problems ?
Is the beam thickness normal ?
Is the lense bump normal ?
Is the dark spot of the laser spot is normal ?
Are the circles surrounding the spot normal as well ?
Is it normal that I can't adjust the lense very well ? it locks near infinity...
Can I replace the host easily ? Or only the bumped lense head part ?
Can I easily make the beam thiner ? Like my o-like which is arround 1.5mm thick.
Thanks in advance.