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FrozenGate by Avery

Latest Version Quick Show from Pangolin

Apr 2, 2009
Only shipping to CONUS and Canada- $559 plus actual ship cost- insured and tracked USPS.
Brand new 2.0 version- Flash Back 3(the Pangolin DAC)
USB cable included- you will need an ILDA (db25) F/F.
Ready to enjoy with your ILDA projector right from the box- great support-super easy tutorials, Pangolin Forum/ Chat and FAQ. Reg. retail is $600
In stock ...ships same day as payment clears.

PM for more details. :wave:

be sure to contact me to learn about the rebate for getting QS thru me.
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That is a great deal Len!

I am going to be purchasing an analog projector in a couple months (probably from Goldenstar)or sooner if I can afford it. I will definitely want to purchase from you if you still have them then.

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got one with your name on it whenever you are ready.

with QS Quick Trace I made this frame from a photo of my TEXLEM shirt logo-- took only a few minutes- can be improved using QS and or paint/photoshop- this is a crude frame- but easy tp do from any jpeg or bitmap file.

here is the QS sittiing on my desk-


  • usps mo to jordan 4 m-150 array-890$ 033.jpg
    usps mo to jordan 4 m-150 array-890$ 033.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 602
  • QS proof shot 002.jpg
    QS proof shot 002.jpg
    70 KB · Views: 338
Cool! Thanks a lot Len, the logo you did looks great, and I really can't wait till I can get QS /FB3 from you. :D

I have been studying the QS Tutorials on youtube and it looks simply amazing with all the endless amounts of things that can be done. I am really looking forward to the idea of trying to desig shows to match certain pieces of music.

Also, I am hoping to see if I can figure out how to make new animations rather than just drawing from scratch. One thing I was wondering about is using the Quicktrace feature to convert single image frames taken from .mpg's or .avi's videos of real life objects or people etc to become compiled animations in QS. I guess it should be possible even with videos of real objects or people etc. to convert individual frames if the contrast was high enough as it mentions in the tutorials and then produce new animations from that.

Thanks again, I will try and save up as fast as I can, I hope it won't be too long. :p
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Free bump Len.

More of an off topic post.

@ InfinitusEquitas same here buddy. I'm sort of hoping I can get mine soon!
good newz while it lasts-- now Yourlaser(same home base as DinoD and Lasersman) NOW has brought back the free shipping- whike at LM they have it down to 49$ for dhl express- base price is same 309$ so if you guys can wait unitl a new and better promo discount code comes out ( like for Xmas next month) you could get one delivered for ~$250 or less. coupon right now is only 10%.. PM Cherry Lee hear ( jennifer is doing cherrys job now) and bug her for a new/better promo code-
Add that knowledge to our reke deals discussion at ROG please- if you are not a member at ROG (reke owners group) PM me for an invite- its private..

if some one wants to try a GB directly form REKELASER I have info you need- could get better 500s with 2 yr warranty (LM only gives 1 yr)- at the same price if you get 5 or 6 shipped to one address however you need to figure in your reshipping costs-
best way may be to buddy up and order two at a time- and do local pick-up. the girl to see at REKE is Lucy.. better chance of less damages due to shipping as they come direct from reke- one less journey.. warning Reke wants a lot to ship... they like dhl express and it is spendy..but very safe & quick so...

still got thos new QS on my desk-
after sat next mail goes out next Tue- monday is labor day

pay tonite I send tomorrow
